Documentaries: Take 2

A member of a Facebook group that I’m in asked people to comment about their favorite documentary films. From all the comments that were posted, I made a list of documentaries that I would like to watch. And I’ve been watching some of them this past weeks. So far, I have watched eight films, and I have definitely thought that all eight were worth the time and worth recommending. Here’s where I wrote about the first four films in my documentary watching project. If you have any such films to recommend, please comment and let me know about your favorite documentaries.

The Mystical World of George MacDonald. (2009, watched on youtube)
If you are a MacDonald fan, either via C.S. Lewis’s recommendation or directly through such stories as The Princess and Curdie or At the Back of the North Wind, this film is for you. It’s a lovely overview of MacDonald’s life and work, with emphasis on the adult fantasies Phantastes and Lilith, and also with some meanders and tangential material that seems to fit the subject. I would have liked more about MacDOnald’s family and friends and family life, but you can’t have everything. Not mind-blowing, but serviceable.

The Thin Blue Line. (2008, rented from Amazon)
This movie is the film that helped release a wrongfully convicted man from prison. Dallas policeman Robert Wood was shot during a routine traffic stop in 1976, aged 27. Randall Dale Adams was accused convicted for the crime. The only witness, initially, was 16year old David Harris, a car thief and a braggart who told friends in Vidor that he killed the cop in Dallas. But when he was arrested David Harris told another story, a story that implicated Randall Adams and made him responsible for the shooting. The Dallas police, the Dallas district attorney, and later a jury decided that David Harris was telling the truth. This film examines the evidence and the witnesses and leads to a different conclusion. Randall Dale Adams died in 2010, aged 61; David Ray Harris died in 2004 aged 43.

Searching for Sugar Man. (2012, watched on Netflix)
The person who recommended this documentary about the life story of a 60’s musician named Jesus Rodriguez said to just watch it, not to read about it beforehand. And that’s what I did and what I recommend to you. Surprisingly thoughtful and touching, this movie brought up interesting questions about success and art that I am still pondering days after watching it.

Many Beautiful Things. (2016, rented from Amazon)
“Many Beautiful Things is the untold story of one of the world’s greatest women artists and why her name was nearly lost to history. Plunge into the complex age of Victorian England to meet Lilias Trotter, a daring young woman who defied all norms by winning the favor of England’s top art critic, John Ruskin.” An amazing and, yes, beautiful story of the impact of one life spent in service to God and man. I am inspired to remain faithful to the calling that God has placed upon my life, my library and my writing, prayer and study. It’s difficult to persevere when the results are hidden and unrealized, but most, if not all, of us are called to do just that.

These last two documentaries were especially thought-provoking and rich. I would recommend both Searching for Sugar Man and Many Beautiful Things for those artists and ministers and servants who are discouraged in their pursuit of a life that is authentic and fruitful. The truth embodied in both of these stories is that I am called to be faithful, and I may never know what God will do with my life or my art or my work. He is the Gardener, and the Vine; I am simply a small branch.

Outcast and Cursed

Dragonfly Song by Wendy Orr.
Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend.
Thisby Thestoop and the the Black Mountain by Zac Gorman.
The Turnaway Girls by Haley Chewin.

In Dragonfly Song, Aissa is “the cursed child who called the Bull King’s ship to the island.” Her fellow servants and townspeople say of her, “Spit the bad luck away when you see her; pinch or slap her to make her understand.” She’s called No Name because she’s mute, and no one even cares to know her real name.

In Nevermoor, Morrigan Crow is a cursed child, born on Eventide, blamed for all of the misfortunes and tragedies that occur anywhere in her neighborhood, and doomed to die on her eleventh birthday. She’s sure that she has no gift, no talent to set her apart, and no place or reason to hope for anything, especially not a place in the magical Wundrous Society.

Thisby Thestoop’s parents “traded her (at birth) for a bag of mostly unspoiled turnips”, and the wandering salesman to whom she was traded “dumped the baby at the foot of the Black Mountain.” She has no real name; the name Thisby Thestoop comes from the text of a note written by a minotaur with sloppy penmanship. “She wasn’t born particularly clever or brave. She couldn’t move like a shadow or shoot an arrow through the eye of a needle. And she most definitely wasn’t predestined to greatness through some divine prophecy or ‘Chosen One” hooey. No, Thisby Thestoop was astoundingly average.” Thisby is a friendless outcast and the lowliest of servants, a gamekeeper for monsters beneath the Black Mountain.

Delphernia in The Turnaway Girls is different, perhaps special in that she has a voice to sing, but also a friendless outcast, unable to make the golden shimmer that the othergirls can make. And she must hide her voice because turnaway girls are not allowed to make music. She says of herself, “I’m not a maker of anything. I am a worthless creature. A turnaway girl who cannot make shimmer. Mudworms do not envy me. I have riots in my heart each morning.”

I’m sensing a pattern here. All of these middle grade fantasies feature protagonists who are outcasts, cursed, the lowliest of the low. And all of the novels’ heroes are girls. These are almost Cinderella stories in which the lowly servant girl, mocked and cursed, turns out to be a brave and beautiful princess; except the girls in these stories never do completely come to self-actualization or a sense of belonging, not wholly. Perhaps Thisby comes the closest; by the end of the novel she knows her place and her work and is beginning to see her own strength and believe in her own future. She still doesn’t have parents or a real name, but she has made her own name, Thisby, known and admired by the end of the book.

Morrigan Crow learns that she is not a curse, but rather a blessing and gift by the end of the first volume in her story. Still, she isn’t sure that her gift itself isn’t a curse that will harm more than it will help. The resolution of that story is left for the sequel to The Trials of Morrigan Crow.

Aissa claims her own name, finds her voice, becomes a bull jumper, snake singer, and savior of her island. But by the end of her book, she’s still filled with anger for the mother who rejected her and jealousy for the sister who took her place, and fear of becoming once again the no-name girl, enslaved and cursed. She “now is ready to face her life”, but there’s enough doubt in the final poem at the end of the story to make the reader wonder if Aissa can keep all that she has gained.

Delphernia also finds her voice and her mother and freedom. She does become a sort of a princess by the end of the story, but her transformation, too, is not without its doubtfulness and difficult memories. Delphernia carries scars and in her head the voices of those who told her that she was worthless and doomed and outside the pale.

And so it goes. All of these cursed girls become Real Girls by the power of their own voices, developing their own identities and their own names. And if those identities, names and voices are a bit shaky and untested by the end of the book, maybe there’s another volume yet to come in which these formerly voiceless and nameless heroines can become even more self-assured and fearless. And that’s the message of these and other similar stories: you, too, reader, may feel outcast and alone and powerless, but you can be more. You can, even without having any special giftedness or any unique place or name or birthright, make yourself and create your own identity.

These books indicate that this self-actualization happens partly as a result of one or more other people believing in the seemingly powerless and cursed girl. I do think that’s a partial answer to the Cinderella problem. How does the outcast rise from the ashes? The Velveteen Rabbit became real because he was loved. But is the love of another imperfect human being enough to transform a cursed girl into a strong, courageous princess, or does the growth and change require some other kind of magic? Is my identity and my strength, my “girl power” there, simply waiting to be discovered, or does it derive from a source outside myself?

Interesting questions. One last thought: how many other books of middle grade fantasy that I read this year will feature this same theme of an outcast rising up and finding her voice?

More outcast, cursed, and bullied female protagonists:
A Problematic Paradox by Eliot Sappingfield. Sardonic misfit genius Nikola Kross is bullied in regular middle school and has trouble acclimating in a school for brilliant scientists like herself. Can Nikola actually make friends and at the same time find out who she truly is?

Peasprout Chen, Future Legend of Skate and Sword by Henry Lien. Peasprout Chen comes to the Pearl Famous Academy of Skate and Sword from the foreign and hated land of Shin. She is looked down upon, disrespected, and friendless as she competes to become the top-ranking wu liu champion. Can Peasproout find her place at the Academy and in the land of Pearl?

Shadow Weaver by Marcy Kate Connolly. Emmeline, born with the magic of shadow weaving, is suspected, feared, and even hated by her family and by their servants. She has only one friend, her shadow Dar, who is herself a lost soul and a dark trickster shadow. Emmeline’s shadow weaving magic is her identity, but is it also her curse?

The Wizards of Once: Twice Magic by Cressida Cowell. Princess Wish is a poor Warrior girl, a bad speller, and she has magic, a capital offense among the Warriors. She’s banished to a cupboard by her scary mother, and her only friends are her cautious bodyguard and a spoon she accidentally brought to life. Cursed or gifted with iron magic, Wish is definitely one of the misfit girls of 2018. (Her fellow protagonist, Xar, is also a misfit among the Wizards. He has no magic, unlike all the other Wizards, but he does have friends.)

The Marvelous Adventures of Gwendolyn Gray by B.A. Williamson. Gwendolyn Gray is a dreamer with wild red hair in a city full of conformists and identical grey buildings and clouds. She’s cursed with an imagination, and again no friends, in a world of people who want her to be gray and dull and obedient.

R Is for Rebel by J. Anderson Coats. Mallianne Pirine Vinnio Aurelia Hesperus is a member of an outcast group of people, the Mileans, but even among her own people, imprisoned, Malley is different because of her rebellious, untamed spirit. She will not be reformed or reeducated or domesticated, and even the girls who are her fellow prisoners fear the trouble that Malley brings in her rebellious wake.

Amazon Affiliate. If you click on a book cover here to go to Amazon and buy something, I receive a very small percentage of the purchase price.
These books may be nominated for a Cybils Award, but the views expressed here are strictly my own and do not reflect or determine the judging panel’s opinions.

Saturday Review of Books: October 20, 2018

“Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another.” ~Lemony Snicket


Welcome to the Saturday Review of Books at Semicolon. Here’s how it usually works. Find a book review on your blog posted sometime during the previous week. The review doesn’t have to be a formal sort of thing. You can link to your thoughts on a particular book, a few ideas inspired by reading the book, your evaluation, quotations, whatever.

Then on Friday night/Saturday, you post a link here at Semicolon in Mr. Linky to the specific post where you’ve written your book review. Don’t link to your main blog page because this kind of link makes it hard to find the book review, especially when people drop in later after you’ve added new content to your blog. In parentheses after your name, add the title of the book you’re reviewing. This addition will help people to find the reviews they’re most interested in reading.

After linking to your own reviews, you can spend as long as you want reading the reviews of other bloggers for the week and adding to your wishlist of books to read.

Saturday Review of Books Participants

1. Michele Morin–(Even Better than Eden by Nancy Guthrie)
2. Barbara H. (My Hands Came Away Red)
3. Barbara H. (The Lost Castle)
4. Barbara H. (Borders of the Heart)
5. Hope (100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Learn by Heart)
6. Glynn (Blue Murder)
7. Glynn (Once We Were Strangers)
8. Glynn (A Staged Murder)
9. Beckie@ByTheBook (Lady of A Thousand Treasures)
10. Beckie@ByTheBook (Crime And Poetry)
11. Beckie@ByTheBook (Surrounded by Darkness)

Learn more about Saturday Review of Books here.

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

The Royal Rabbits of London by Santa and Simon Sebag Montefiore

Royal Rabbits suffers from being somewhat cliche-ridden, with Hallmark greeting card dialog being thrown around like popcorn, but it definitely has its moments. For instance, the Queen’s corgi dogs aka The Pack, who are the Royal Rabbits’ rivals and nemeses, are named for infamous women of the past: Agrippina, Messalina, Livia, Lucrezia, Imelda, Lady Macbeth, Jezebel, Moll, and Helmsley. (Why are they all females?) And the rats are named Baz, Grimbo, and Splodge. Good naming, huh?

Caught between The Pack and the Ratzis, their other ancient enemies, the Royal Rabbits must protect the Queen of England and her royal family at all costs. Can Shylo, a small, simple country bunny, help the Royal Rabbits protect their queen from the evil machinations of the paparazzi Ratzis? This story reads like a Disney romp, complete with a chase scene, greasy rat villains, a small but brave hero (Shylo), and even a Disney-esque pep talk for Shylo at about midpoint in the story:

“Shylo, you found your way here, didn’t you? I don’t see the weary little rabbit who stands before me, but the brave Knight you may one day rise to be. My brother saw something in you, otherwise he would not have sent you on the dangerous journey to find us. I see it, too. Courage, my dear bunkin, courage. You’re braver than you know.”

Santa Montefiore and Simon Sebag Montefiore are husband and wife, parents to two children for whom they made up the stories of the rabbits who lived under Buckingham Palace. Simon is a well-known historian and novelist. I can definitely see this book made into an animated feature film. So, it’s a perfect match for fans of Disney and Disney-esque storytelling. And for real fans, there are three more Royal Rabbits books: Escape from the Tower, The Great Diamond Chase, and Escape from the Palace (January, 2019).

Amazon Affiliate. If you click on a book cover here to go to Amazon and buy something, I receive a very small percentage of the purchase price.
This book also may be nominated for a Cybil Award, but the views expressed here are strictly my own and do not reflect or determine the judging panel’s opinions.

Nominate for Cybils today–or else!

Or else you won’t get to nominate your favorites this year!

1. Make a list of the books you loved that were published in the past 12 months. Books for children and teens published in the U.S. or Canada between October 16, 2017 and October 15, 2018 are eligible. If a book will be published after October 15, 2018, it will be eligible next year.

2. Separate the books on your list into categories. The Cybils categories are:

– Easy Readers and Early Chapter Books
– Elementary/Middle-Grade Nonfiction
– Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction
– Fiction Picture Books/Board Books
– Graphic Novels
– Junior/Senior High Nonfiction
– Middle-Grade Fiction
– Poetry
– Young Adult Fiction
– Young Adult Speculative Fiction

If you’re not sure which category a book falls into, you can read the category descriptions. If you’re still not sure, just make the nomination in the category you think best fits the book. The Cybils folks will go through the nominations on their list and move books from one list to another, if necessary.

3. Head over to the Cybils website and make your nominations. You can nominate one book per category. However, you don’t have to nominate a book in every single category. If you have more than one favorite in a category, ask a friend to nominate your second favorite. If your first-pick book for a category has already been nominated, go ahead and nominate your second favorite. Do this TODAY, October 15th! Today is the deadline for nominations.

You can find more information on nominating books for the Cybils Book Awards here or go here to make your nominations.

Wisdom, Proverbs, and Aphorisms from Middle Grade Speculative Fiction, 2017

To pass safely through a jungle, one must walk either with stealth or with confidence. ~A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge.

Change is necessary and, deny it as we may, in the end change is always inevitable. ~A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge.

Wants and wishes cannot erase choices. Sometimes a road forks, and both paths lead to pain. The Song of Glory and Ghost by N.D. Wilson.

A leader doesn’t lead by proving how great he is—he leads by making the people around him great. ~Mysteries of Cove: Embers of Destruction by J. Scott Savage.

The real purpose of life [is] to live—to find out about the world and have adventures. ~The Matchstick Castle by Keir Graff.

Making others feel safe is a fine way to spend your days. ~Wishtree by Katherine Applegate.

Knowledge is a vessel deeper than the sea. A fool splashes in a pond and thinks he has the answers, but a wise man knows the only way to reach its depths is to ask questions. ~Race to the Bottom of the Sea by Lindsay Eager.

Once you’re up on a pedestal, you can’t take a step in any direction without falling. ~Miss Ellicott’s School for the Magically Minded by Sage Blackwood.

Surely it is counterproductive to expect sense from someone you are beating senseless. ~Thick as Thieves by Meg Whalen Turner.

Sometimes the way you get out of trouble is the same way you got in. ~The Tiny Hero of Ferny Creek Library by Linda Bailey.

Everyone deserves dessert. ~Zinnia and the Bees by Danielle Davis.

Doubtful friends are worse than enemies, and fire ants are the worst of all. ~The Danger Gang and the Pirates of Borneo by Stephen Bramucci.

The more people you care about, the more there is to scare you in the world. And yet, if you didn’t care about people, there would be nothing worth protecting. ~The Danger Gang and the Pirates of Borneo by Stephen Bramucci.

He who endures will conquer. So will he who never gets stung by a blister beetle. ~The Danger Gang and the Pirates of Borneo by Stephen Bramucci.

When your heart is beating too quick with nerves, there’s nothing like the rhythm of a poem to bring it right again. When you fill your mind with words—beautiful words, stirring words—those words drive away your other worries. ~Elizabeth and Zenobia by Jessica Miller.

History doesn’t judge leaders on how many times they fall. It judges them on how many times they get up. ~Mysteries of Cove: Embers of Destruction by J. Scott Savage.

. . . some secrets don’t like to be kept. They grow feet and tiptoe away in the night. ~Skeleton Tree by Kim Ventrella.

I’m working on a list of favorite aphorisms from 2018’s crop of middle grade speculative fiction. Do you have any to add?

Documentaries: Take 1

A member of a Facebook group that I’m in asked people to comment about their favorite documentary films. From all the comments that were posted, I made a list of documentaries that I would like to watch. And I’ve been watching some of them this week. So far, I have watched four films, and I have definitely thought that all four were worth the time and worth recommending.

Look and See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry. (2017, watched on Netflix)
This film was good, but misnamed, I think. It wasn’t about Wendell Berry, the author, as much as it was about farming and farm policy and the takeover of commercial methods and big business in agriculture, the death of the family farm. As I watched I felt I understood the problem better, but I didn’t see the solutions. Maybe there is no going back to the way agriculture was done in the past on small farms, on a small scale. Even though the film showed some farmers who were trying to scale back and form small local cooperatives, it was obvious that tobacco farming, at least, was never going to be profitable or even doable on a small scale again. And since that’s the kind of farming Wendell Berry is looking back to as his ideal, I’m not sure what to think about the film itself. I also wonder if tobacco farming itself is going to be a thing of the past, since the advent of vaping and e-cigarettes. Unless someone finds other uses for tobacco. Maybe someone needs to do for tobacco what George Washington Carver did for the peanut and for sweet potatoes. Anyway, watch this one to learn more about the farming crisis and to learn a little bit about Wendell Berry. The musical score for the film is fantastic.

13th. (2016, watched on Netflix)
I watched this film about the history of slavery and prisons and mass incarceration with one of my adult daughters, and it was quite provocative and thoughtful. The title is a reference to the thirteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It reminded me of the book Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, and sure enough, Mr. Stevenson was featured as one of the commentators on the film. Like I Am Not Your Negro, which I watched last year, this documentary helps explain some of the racial unrest in our nation and the Black Lives Matter movement in particular. I’m not at all sure I agree with all of the agenda that the film is trying push, but I do feel more informed and even empathetic. We do have a history of racism in this country, and that history does influence how black people and white people think about current events. It’s very difficult to think past one’s own presuppositions, especially when we don’t even realize that the underlying prejudices and presuppositions are there, in the first place.

Life, Animated. (2016, watched on Amazon Prime)
A 23 year old young man, Owen Suskind, uses his immersion in Disney films to make sense of the world and ameliorate and inform his understanding of himself and his place in the world as he deals with his autism. Of the four documentary films I’ve watched so far, this one was the best and most hopeful. I was delighted by this story of a boy who, at the age of three, suddenly became autistic and lost his ability to speak meaningfully or to communicate with family. Owen’s parents have a huge role in the film and in Owen’s life, but the film is really about Owen growing up and becoming independent as he deals with the knowledge that his parents won’t always be available and can’t live his life for him. It’s also about how the Disney movies helped and continue to help Owen to connect with other people and to understand the world he lives in. Again, I found this film fascinating.

AlphaGo. (2017, watched on Netflix)
The ancient Chinese game of “Go” is for some people, especially in Asia but really around the world, a metaphor for life and the struggle to live creatively and strategically. In this film, AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence neural network, competes against Lee Sedol, a top level world champion at the game of Go. Because, like chess, this game is for many people a life’s work, the competition between man and machine is particularly intense and consequential. Lee Se-dol, is a South Korean professional Go player of 9 dan rank. AlphaGo is a computer program that can adjust and “teach itself” to play Go and to win at Go, a very complicated game. Go is much more complicated than chess, for example. Anyway, the story of how Lee Sedol and AlphaGo played a three games out of five tournament and who won is a nail-biter. I’m not sure I understand all of the implications of this kind of “deep learning” network, but it feels significant and rather amazing.

So, those are the four documentaries I’ve watched so far. I’ll be back with more mini-reviews soon.

By the way, if you have any favorite documentaries to recommend, I’ll add them to my list. What are your favorite nonfiction films and documentaries?

Saturday Review of Books: October 13, 2018

“Farther than arrows, higher than wings fly poet’s song and prophet’s words.” ~Inscription on the Brooklyn Public Library


Welcome to the Saturday Review of Books at Semicolon. Here’s how it usually works. Find a book review on your blog posted sometime during the previous week. The review doesn’t have to be a formal sort of thing. You can link to your thoughts on a particular book, a few ideas inspired by reading the book, your evaluation, quotations, whatever.

Then on Friday night/Saturday, you post a link here at Semicolon in Mr. Linky to the specific post where you’ve written your book review. Don’t link to your main blog page because this kind of link makes it hard to find the book review, especially when people drop in later after you’ve added new content to your blog. In parentheses after your name, add the title of the book you’re reviewing. This addition will help people to find the reviews they’re most interested in reading.

After linking to your own reviews, you can spend as long as you want reading the reviews of other bloggers for the week and adding to your wishlist of books to read.

Saturday Review of Books Participants

1. Barbara H. (Women of the Word)
2. Glynn (The Ashes of London)
3. Glynn (Appalachian Serenade)
4. Glynn (The Day of the Lie)
5. Michele Morin–(Bring Me a Vision by Pam Ecrement)
6. Carol @journey & destination (Catriona by R.L. Stevenson)
7. Hope (On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder)
8. Carole (Delayed Justice)
9. Carole (Fallen Leaves)
10. Carole (A Tale of Two Hearts)
11. Beckie@ByTheBook (A Tale of Two Hearts)
12. Beckie@ByTheBook (Delayed Justice)
13. Beckei@ByTheBook ( Burden of Proof)

Learn more about Saturday Review of Books here.

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

The Stone Girl’s Story by Sarah Beth Durst

The Stone Girl’s Story is such a good exploration of story-making and moral free agency and growth and change. I am blown away by the depth of thought embedded in the story and the simple, understandable way in which the story unfolds.

Mayka, a living girl carved of stone, and her stone family of rabbits and birds and other creatures, live on the mountain where they were first created by the stonemason whom they called Father. They are animated and given their own stories by the marks the stonemason carved into their bodies when he made them. But Father eventually died and left the stone creatures he made behind. And now their marks are eroding and becoming faded and smooth. As their marks fade, the stone creatures will slowly wind down and come to a stop—unless they can find a new stonemason to re-carve their features and their stories.

To save herself and her friends, Mayka goes on a journey to find a stonemason. Like all fantasy journeys Mayka’s quest to save her family brings growth and change to Mayka herself, even if she is made of unyielding stone. Her companions on the journey are the stone birds, Risa and Jacklo, and along the way they meet Siannasi Yondolada Quilasa, Si-si for short, a tiny dragon with a big heart. With these friends and supporters, Mayka travels to the big city where she hopes to find another ally, a stonemason.

C.S. Lewis said of his Narnia stories that they were not allegories but rather “suppositions.”

“I did not say to myself ‘Let us represent Jesus as He really is in our world by a Lion in Narnia’; I said, ‘Let us suppose that there were a land like Narnia and that the Son of God, as he became a Man in our world, became a Lion there, and then imagine what would happen.'”

The Stone Girl’s Story also reads like a supposition: “Let us suppose world in which stone creatures can come to life, and someone wants to enslave and control the stone creatures. Then imagine what might happen.” And it’s a very good supposition. Recommended.

Amazon Affiliate. If you click on a book cover here to go to Amazon and buy something, I receive a very small percentage of the purchase price.
This book also may be nominated for a Cybil Award, but the views expressed here are strictly my own and do not reflect or determine the judging panel’s opinions.

The Rose Legacy by Jessica Day George

I never was one of those horse-loving girls when I was a kid of a girl growing up in West Texas. Most of my friends loved horses, wanted to ride horses, longed to own their own horse(s), aspired to become veterinarians or barrel racers when they grew up. Not me. I went horseback riding once or twice, but it wasn’t my thing. I didn’t read horse books or study horse breeds or talk about horses with my friends. I was just not horse-crazy.

And I’m not sure The Rose Legacy, a new book by Jessica Day George, would have appealed to me back then. Ms. George, author of The Castle series about a magical castle and its inhabitants, has crafted a lovely fantasy set in a world where the horses are supposed to be extinct and forbidden and dangerous. But they’re not any of those things, really.

Anthea Cross-Thornley has no parents and has been shunted about from one uncaring relative to another for all of her life as far as she can remember. But now she is being sent to the home of an uncle she never knew she had, her father’s brother, and what’s worse, her uncle’s home, called The Last Farm, is outside The Wall in the Exiled Lands where only outlaws and wild animals live. How can Anthea become a Rose Maiden to the queen of Coronam when she is being sent to hinterlands, and will she even survive if it’s true that diseases were spread by the exiles and the horses that used to live in the Exiled Lands?

So, of course, the Exiled Lands turn out to be much different from what Anthea has been led to believe, and The Rose Legacy turns out to be a book about magical horses and about magical communication between horses and humans and about bonding with animals and as most good fantasy is, about a quest to save the kingdom. If you like horses or quests or magical worlds, you should give this one a try. Even an old horse-indifferent reader like me enjoyed the story. It had some good, tense moments, an unexpected villain, and a nice resolution, although I read hints that The Rose Legacy may be the first book in a new series. If so, horse lovers everywhere will be delighted.

Amazon Affiliate. If you click on a book cover here to go to Amazon and buy something, I receive a very small percentage of the purchase price.
This book also may be nominated for a Cybil Award, but the views expressed here are strictly my own and do not reflect or determine the judging panel’s opinions.