1966: Events and Inventions

January 12, 1966. President Lyndon Johnson says the US should stay in South Vietnam until communist aggression ends.

January 15-17, 1966. A bloody military coup is staged in Nigeria, deposing the civilian government. The Nigerian coup is overturned by another faction of the military, leaving a military government in power. This is the beginning of a long period of military rule.

January 19, 1966. Indira Ghandi, daughter of India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, is elected prime minister of India. She pledges to “strive to create what my father used to call a climate of peace.”

February, 1966. While President Nkrumah of Ghana is on a state visit to North Vietnam and China, his government is overthrown in a military coup. Nkrumah is best known politically for his strong commitment to and promotion of Pan-Africanism, a movement that seeks to unify African people or people living in Africa, into a “one African community”. He never returns to Ghana, living the remainder of his life in exile.

'The east is red' photo (c) 2011, Kent Wang - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/April 8, 1966. In a reshuffling of power at the Kremlin, Leonid Brezhnev becomes the apparent leader of the Soviet Union. As General Secretary of the Communist Party in Russia, Brezhnev appears to be the real power behind the government in the USSR.

June, 1966. The U.S. unmanned spacecraft Surveyor is the first craft to land on the moon.

August, 1966. Mao Zedong launches the Cultural Revolution in China. The movement is led by thousands of students organized into bands called “Red Guards.” Teachers, artists, and other intellectuals are humiliated in the streets. Mao’s dictum to his young army is: “Revolution is not writing an essay or painting a picture . . . Revolution is an act of violence when one class overthrows another.”

November, 1966. In China, the Red Guard demands the dismissal of heads of state Lui Shaopi and Deng Xiaoping.

During the year 1966:
Botswana, Lesotho, and Guyana become independent states within the British Commonwealth.

Tension between the United Kingdom and the rebel state of Rhodesia in southern Africa continues. The United Nations authorizes sanctions against Rhodesia, and the British Navy enforces a blockade on oil shipments to Rhodesia.

Texas Tuesday: The Buckskin Line by Elmer Kelton

Elmer Kelton is from my hometown, San Angelo, Texas. I’m not much of a reader of westerns, but I thought I should at least sample the work of Mr. Kelton, seeing as he’s a hometown boy and was the farm-and-ranch editor for the San Angelo Standard-Times. Also, for five years he was editor of Sheep and Goat Raiser Magazine, and for another twenty-two years he was editor of Livestock Weekly. He wrote more than thirty western novels, set mostly in Texas, and he was awarded several Spur Awards from the Western Writers of America. In 1977, Kelton received an Owen Wister Award for lifetime achievement, and in 1998, he received the first Lone Star Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Larry McMurtry Center for Arts and Humanities at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. Now that’s a resume to be found only in West Texas.

The Buckskin Line introduces us to Rusty Shannon, a red-headed orphan who is nearly captured by the Comanches in the first chapter. The Comanches do kill Rusty’s parents as the story opens in August, 1840 during the Comanche raid into south central Texas during which the small town of Linnville in Victoria COunty was sacked and burned. “The surprised people of Linnville fled to the water and were saved by remaining aboard small boats and a schooner . .. at anchor in the bay.”

In the story three year old Rusty is carried off by the Comanche raiders, but rescued by a ragtag group of pursuers, including Mike Shannon, an Irish-Texan wanderer who farms the land he finds until it wears out and then moves on. Mike has a wife, but the two have been unable to have childen. So they adopt the orphan boy and keep his first name, Davy, the only thing the young boy can tell them about himself. Davy grows up to be called “Rusty” in reference to his red hair.

Most of the book is about the adventures of the young adult Rusty Shannon, as he joins the Texas Rangers on the Red River border with Indian Territory just before and after the outbreak of the Civil War. Rusty is a brave and honest young man, but somewhat rash in judgement and too ready for revenge when someone hurts the people he loves. The Buckskin Line shows how Rusty Shannon matures and learns to temper his judgement with faith and patience.

I liked it enough to want to read the other two books in Kelton’s Texas Rangers Trilogy, Badger Boy and The Way of the Coyote.

Sahara: A Natural History by Marq de Villiers and Sheila Hirtle

DNF=Did Not Finish.

I read more than 200 pages of this 300 page travelogue/history of Saharan Africa, but for many of those 200 pages I skimmed rather than read carefully. I just couldn’t get engaged in reading about the history and cultures of the Saharan desert in this book. The organization of the book was confusing: not chronological, not geographical, not anything else as far as I could see. There were some interesting factoids here and there, but otherwise the style and content were bewildering and forgettable.

“Salt was profitable, gold was more profitable still, but no commodity was more abundant and profitable than slaves, and slavery was always a mainstay of Saharan commerce.”

“It is considered polite among the Tuareg to occasionally interrupt a conversation by bowing and asking, ‘How are you?’ without in any way expecting an answer.”

“The Tuareg differ even more fundamentally from orthodox Arab societies in their treatment of women. The most obvious symbol of the difference is that Tuareg men are veiled, but the women are not. Tuareg women can divorce their husbands without difficulty, while for a husband, divorce is hedged around with so many restrictions as to be practically impossible.”

“. . . mirages are not always false. Sometimes only the sense of distance, the perspective, is wrong. Because of it, bushes can seem like trees, grasses like a waving forest, rocks like mountains—and sometimes they are seen upside down.”

1965: Events and Inventions

February 18, 1965. The Gambia becomes independent from the United Kingdom.

March 20, 1965. The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 begins. This conflict becomes known as the Second Kashmir War fought by India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir, the first having been fought in 1947.

'1965 Volkswagen Beetle Ad - Australia' photo (c) 2011, Dave - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/March 31, 1965. U.S. President Lyndon Johnson sends 3500 Marines to protect the South Vietnamese air base at Da Nang from attacks by the communist Vietcong.

April 24-28, 1965. Civil war breaks out in the Dominican Republic. President Lyndon B. Johnson sends U.S. troops to the Caribbean nation “for the stated purpose of protecting U.S. citizens and preventing an alleged Communist takeover of the country”, thus thwarting the possibility of “another Cuba”.

April 29, 1965. Australian government announces it will send troops to Vietnam.

'Da Nang 1965 (4)' photo (c) 2011, Woody Hibbard - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/July 28, 1965. U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson announces his order to increase the number of United States troops in South Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000, and to more than double the number of men drafted per month – from 17,000 to 35,000.

August 9, 1965. Singapore is expelled from the Federation of Malaysia, which recognizes Singapore as a sovereign nation. Lee Kuan Yew announces Singapore’s independence and assumes the position of Prime Minister of the new island nation.

October, 1965. An attempted communist coup fails in Indonesia. In response to the attempted government takeover, the Indonesian army sweeps through the countryside and are aided by locals in killing suspected communists. The number of people killed across Indonesia is anywhere from 78,000 to one million. President Sukarno remains in power, but the events of 1965 lead to his downfall in 1967.

November 11, 1965. The (white) Rhodesian Government, led by Prime Minister Ian Smith, severs its links with the British Crown. Mr. Smith makes the Unilateral Declaration of Independence. His address to the people of Rhodesia says he has taken the action, “so that dignity and freedom of all may be assured.” Over four million black Rhodesians will have no power in the new government.

December 30, 1965. Ferdinand Marcos is inaugurated as president of the Philippines.

Cost of Living in 1965
Average Cost of new house $13,600.00
Average Income per year $6,450.00
Gasoline per Gallon 31 cents
Average Cost of a new car $2,650.00
Loaf of bread 21 cents

Saturday Review of Books: February 18, 2012

“But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think” ~Lord Byron

SatReviewbuttonWelcome to the Saturday Review of Books at Semicolon. Here’s how it usually works. Find a book review on your blog posted sometime during the previous week. The review doesn’t have to be a formal sort of thing. You can link to your thoughts on a particular book, a few ideas inspired by reading the book, your evaluation, quotations, whatever.

Then on Friday night/Saturday, you post a link here at Semicolon in Mr. Linky to the specific post where you’ve written your book review. Don’t link to your main blog page because this kind of link makes it hard to find the book review, especially when people drop in later after you’ve added new content to your blog. In parentheses after your name, add the title of the book you’re reviewing. This addition will help people to find the reviews they’re most interested in reading.

After linking to your own reviews, you can spend as long as you want reading the reviews of other bloggers for the week and adding to your wishlist of books to read. That’s how my own TBR list has become completely unmanageable and the reason I can’t join any reading challenges. I have my own personal challenge that never ends.

1. Janet @ Across the Page (The Omnivore’s Dilemma)
2. Barbara H. (Vicious Cycle)
3. Barbara H. (The Help)
4. Barbara H. (Little House in the Ozarks)
5. Becky (Tankborn)
6. Becky (Rasco and the Rats of NIMH)
7. Becky (Dominic)
8. Becky (Tales of Very Picky Eaters)
9. Becky (The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt)
10. Becky (Pinkalicious Series)
11. Becky (Jane Austen Made Me Do It)
12. Becky (Tuesdays at the Castle)
13. Becky (Mistress of Nothing)
14. JoAnne @ The Fiarytale Nerd (Fracture)
15. the Ink Slinger (Discerning the Body)
16. Reach the Stars (Soup and Me)
17. Reach the Stars (The Tiger Rising)
18. Reach the Stars (Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane)
19. Reach the Stars (Peak)
20. Reading to Know (The Lighthouse Family)
21. Reading to Know (Still: Notes on a Mid-Faith Crisis)
22. Reading to Know (Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels)
23. Patricia (Moby Dick)
24. SuziQoregon@ Whimpulsive (Accidents of Provicence)
25. Becky (Listen to My Trumpet)
26. Beth@Weavings (Educating the Whole-Hearted Child)
27. Beth@Weavings (Reading Journal: The Resolution for Women and More)
28. Becky (Loving The Way Jesus Loves)
29. Jessica Snell (“Borders of Infinity” and “Inferno”
30. Collateral Bloggage (The Fellowship of the Ring)
31. Amy@book musings (Great Expectations)
32. Donovan @ Where Pen Meets Paper (The Flame Alphabet)
33. Lazygal (The Crown)
34. Lazygal (All That I Am)
35. Lazygal (Believing the Lie)
36. Lazygal (The Good Father)
37. Lazygal (Voyagers of the Titanic)
38. Lazygal (Hide Me Among the Graves)
39. Lazygal (The Book of Jonas)
40. Lazygal (The Spinoza Problem)
41. Lazygal (So Pretty It Hurts)
42. europeanne (Our Town)
43. Graham @ My Book Year (The Sense of an Ending)
44. europeanne (Jacob Have I Loved)
45. Laura @ Musings (Dance to the Music of Time, 3rd mvmt)
46. Nicola (Revenge of the Horned Bunnies by Ursula Vernon)
47. Nicola (Horrid Henry’s Underpants)
48. Nicola (The Missing Mummy by Sean O’Reilly)
49. Nicola (Monster Beach by Sean O’Reilly)
50. Nicola (Dotter of Her Father’s Eyes by Mary M. Talbot)
51. Nicola (No Such Thing as Ghosts by Ursula Vernon)
52. Joseph R. @ Zombie Parents Guide (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
53. Thoughts of Joy (Before I Fall)
54. Sarah Reads Too Much (Before I Go To Sleep)
55. Becky (Balloons Over Broadway)
56. Debbie @ Exurbanis (The Homecoming of Samuel Lake)
57. Debbie @ Exurbanis (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
58. Reading World (By Fire, By Water)
59. Quieted Waters (The Shaping of a Christian Family by Elisabeth Elliot)
60. Amy @ Hope Is the Word (Breadcrumbs)
61. Amy @ Hope Is the Word (President’s Day read-alouds)
62. Amy @ Hope Is the Word (This Week in Books)
63. Girl Detective (The Tiger’s Wife)
64. Becky (Alas, Babylon)
65. Jules Book Reviews (The Druid)
66. Jules Book Reviews (The Girl Who Lived on the Moon)
67. Jules Book Reviews (Living With Dead)
68. Jules Book Reviews (The Dogs and The Wolves)
69. Jules Book Reviews (The Paris Wife)
70. Benjie @ Book ‘Em Benj-O (The Ragamuffin Gospel)
71. Benjie @ Book ‘Em Benj-O (Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor)
72. S. Krishna’s Books (The Calling of the Grave)
73. S. Krishna’s Books (The Inheritance)
74. S. Krishna’s Books (All the Flowers in Shanghai)
75. S. Krishna’s Books (On Borrowed Time)
76. S. Krishna’s Books (The House at Sea’s End)
77. S. Krishna’s Books (One Was a Soldier)
78. S. Krishna’s Books (The Lost Empire of Atlantis)
79. Becky (The Practice of Praise)
80. Colleen @ Books in the City (Julia’s Child)
81. Alice@Supratentorial(City of Tranquil Light)
82. Becky (Being God’s Friend)
83. Beckie @ By The Book (Eric’s War)
84. Beckie @ By The Book (Sweeter Than Birdsong)
85. dawn (Evening in the Palace of Reason)
86. Becky (Power in the Blood)
87. Becky (Grace: God’s Unmerited Favor)
88. Reach the Stars (Because of Winn-Dixie)
89. Reach the Stars (Adaline Falling Star)
90. Melissa @ Betty and Boo Chronicles (NIGHT SWIM)
91. Melissa @ Betty and Boo Chronicles (MARRIAGE CONFIDENTIAL)
92. Becky (Suppose You Meet A Dinosaur; George Washington’s Bday; 10 Hungry Rabbits)
93. aloi – guiltlessreading – (Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult)
94. Annie Kate (Chosen by God)
95. Melody @ Fingers and Prose (Song of the Lark)
96. utter randomonium (Jaguar Sun)
97. Annie@ Learn at Every Turn (California History for Kids)
98. Annie@ Learn at Every Turn (Homeschooling Gifted and Advanced Learners) )
99. Anna @ Diary of an Eccentric (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
100. Anna @ Diary of an Eccentric (Mr. Darcy’s Angel of Mercy)
101. Anna @ Diary of an Eccentric (Pride, Prejudice, and Curling Rocks)
102. Gina @ Bookscount (The Battle of the Labyrinth)
103. Gina @ Bookscount (Love and Capital)

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

The Hour Before Dawn by Penelope Wilcock

Last night I took another trip to the abbey of St. Alcuin, and I encountered tragedy, sin, horror, and of course, grace.

This fifth book in the series about a community of monks in a fourteenth century abbey begins with atrocity. The new abbot of St. Alcuin Abbey, Father John, recieves word that his mother and sister have been the victims of assault, violence, and gang rape by villagers who think they might be witches. Father John can barely assimilate the news that his mother is dead, and his defenseless sister has taken refuge with the Poor Clares in their convent nearby.

The book is about healing: Father John’s sister Madeleine is a healer, before she becomes the wounded sister in need of healing herself. Father John himself has been the infirmarian at St. Alcuin’s before he became abbot. Now, he, too, needs healing. And the new character, Father William de Bulmer, former prior of an Augustinian monastery who entered this series in the previous book, The Hardest Thing To Do, comes into his own. It is Father William who is the sturdy prop that Father leans upon in his suffering and grief.

I like William de Bulmer so much. He is a hard man, without much concept of grace or mercy, except that which he has received from the monks at St. Alcuin’s Abbey. He doesn’t pretend to understand either or to change when change comes hard for him. What he does do is respond to the love and grace that he has been given with loyalty and stalwart support. William reminds me of a friend of mine. She’s a deeply committed, highly intelligent Christian homeschool mother of 10+ children, but all the fluffy emotional stuff that goes along with that role just isn’t there. Not that she doesn’t have or express emotions, but when you ask my friend a question, you get a straight answer—no evasions, no emotional baggage, not much tact. I like that, but it does rather jolt some people’s equilibrium.

I also like the idea presented in the book that William’s response to the anguish Father John is experiencing is silent listening, for the most part. And this listening response is the most helpful thing to bring healing to Father John’s heart. William doesn’t have any answers for the question of why bad things happen to good people, so he doesn’t give any. He speaks when necessary, but mostly he listens and tries to guide Father John to avoid despair. I try too hard to find answers for all the questions people have when they are mourning and dealing with pain.

I highly recommend the Hawk and the Dove trilogy and this new series, set after the events in the first three books of St. Alcuin’s Abbey. Ms. Wilcock, who is an ordained Methodist minister and the mother of five children. She blogs at Kindred of the Quiet Way.

Fifteen Year Old Boy Reads Books!

Almost-15 year old Karate Kid, who quit reading, except for school assignments, when he was about twelve, speed-read his way through the series of books he got for Christmas: Andrew Klavan’s Homelanders series. Then, he read The Client by John Grisham, a book I strategically placed near his bed for him to discover.

Today, he asked me to recommend an Agatha Christie mystery! I think he’s going to read either Ordeal by Innocence or Murder on the Orient Express. So, assuming he doesn’t spend the rest of the spring reading through the novels of Dame Agatha, what do I suggest, or give as a birthday gift, or leave lying around, next?

1964: Events and Inventions

February 5, 1964. The government of India declares the province of Kashmir in northern India to be a part of india without holding a vote for the people of Kashmir to declare their wishes in the matter. Pakistan protests Indian control of Kashmir.

March 31, 1964. The military overthrows Brazilian President João Goulart in a coup, starting 21 years of military dictatorship in Brazil.

April 26, 1964. The nations of Tanganyika and Zanzibar merge to form Tanzania.

'Nelson Mandela - The Struggle is My Life' photo (c) 2010, Seth Anderson - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/June, 1964. South African lawyer Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage and plotting to overthrow the government. Mandela is the leader of the banned political group, the African National Congress (ANC), a group fighting against the apartheid laws in South Africa.

July 6, 1964. Malawi declares its independence from the United Kingdom.

July 31, 1964. U.S. satellite Ranger 7 sends back to earth the first close-up photographs of the moon.

August 5, 1964. Aircraft from carriers USS Ticonderoga and USS Constellation bomb North Vietnam in retaliation for strikes against U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.

October 1, 1964. The new Shinkansen high-speed passenger rail service opens in Japan, between the cities of Tokyo and Osaka.

October 14-15, 1964. Nikita Khrushchev is deposed as leader of the Soviet Union; Leonid Brezhnev and Alexei Kosygin assume power.

November 3, 1964. The Bolivian government of President Víctor Paz Estenssoro is overthrown by a military rebellion led by General Alfredo Ovando Candía, commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

1961: Books and Literature

The National Book Award goes to The Waters of Kronos by Conrad Richter.
Some other nominees were:
John Knowles for A Separate Peace
Harper Lee for To Kill a Mockingbird
Wright Morris for Ceremony in Lone Tree
Flannery O’Connor for The Violent Bear It Away
John Updike for Rabbit, Run
Interesting choice with that sort of line-up.

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee wins the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.

Ivo Andric wins the Nobel Prize for Literature. (Who’s he?)

Published in 1961:
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. I’m not a Dahl fan, but this one and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are still quite popular.
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. I read some Heinlein when I was a teenager, including this one, I think, but I don’t remember much about it. I do know that Heinlein’s book is the origin of the term “grok” that became somewhat popular in the 60’s and 70’s, In Stranger in a Strange Land, “grok” literally means “to drink” and figuratively means “to comprehend”, “to love”, and “to be one with”. “I grok you” means “I get it” or “I’m with you.”
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Set during World II, the title also introduced a new term to popular parlance: “catch-22”. The catch-22 is explained to be how any pilot requesting a psych evaluation hoping to be found not sane enough to fly, and thereby escape dangerous missions, would thereby demonstrate his sanity. If you’re sane enough not to want to fly combat missions, the army air corps says you’re sane enough to fly them.
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. We read Phantom Tollbooth aloud last year in school. I highly recommend it.
The Moviegoer by Walker Percy. Eldest Daughter really appreciates Walker Percy. I’m not there yet. I just don’t grok him.
The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone. On the other hand, I think Irving Stone is underestimated as a writer. I remember liking this one, a biographical novel of Michaelangelo, and Lust for Life, about da Vinci. Stone also wrote one of my favorite nonfiction history books, Men To Match My Mountains, about the opening and settlement of the far western United States.
Mila 18 by Leon Uris. Wonderfully compelling novel about the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II.

1963: Events and Inventions

January 14, 1963. George C. Wallace becomes governor of Alabama. In his inaugural speech, he defiantly proclaims “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever!”

April 7, 1963. Yugoslavia is proclaimed to be a socialist republic, and Josip Broz Tito is named President for Life.

'Project Mercury Capsule' photo (c) 1995, Ed Uthman - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/May 15, 1963. NASA launches astronaut Gordon Cooper on Mercury 9, the last mission for the Mercury program. Cooper lands in the Pacific after 22 orbits of the earth in his Mercury capsule.

June 3, 1963. The Army of the Republic of Vietnam pours chemicals on the heads of Buddhist protestors. The United States threatens to cut off aid to Ngo Dinh Diem’s government in South Vietnam. Dinh Diem’s forces continue to persecute Buddhists, vandalizing Buddhist pagodas and arresting Buddhist priests.

June 16, 1963. Vostok 6 carries Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space.

August 8, 1963. The Great Train Robbery of 1963 takes place in Buckinghamshire, England. 2.6 million pounds in used banknotes is stolen from the Glasgow-to-London mail train. Although several of the thieves are eventually caught, the bulk of the money is never recovered.

August 28, 1963. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers his I Have A Dream speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to an audience of at least 250,000 protestors.

'President John F. Kennedy' photo (c) 2011, U.S. Embassy New Delhi - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/November 2-6, 1963. South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem is assassinated following a military coup. Coup leader General Duong Van Minh takes over as leader of South Vietnam.

November 14, 1963. A volcanic eruption on the ocean floor near Iceland creates a new island, Surtsey.

November 22, 1963. President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald. Also on this day, author and Christian apologist C.S. Lewis dies at his home, the Kilns in England, and the author of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley. dies in hospital, also in England. This coincidence was the inspiration for Peter Kreeft’s book Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog Somewhere Beyond Death with John F. Kennedy, C. S. Lewis, & Aldous Huxley.

December 12, 1963. Kenya becomes independent from British rule, with Jomo Kenyatta as prime minister.

Children’s nonfiction for 1963: We’ve Got a Job: The 1963 Birmingham Children’s March by Cynthia Levinson. Reviewed at Ms. Yingling Reads.