Signed by Zelda by Kate Feiffer

This book is for all those fans of graphology, the study of handwriting. If you have one in your life, Signed by Zelda is the book. Lucy, the female protagonist of the story, is nearly obsessed with handwriting. She gathers handwriting samples wherever she goes. She looks up samples of famous signatures on the internet. She knows how to tell if a signature is a forgery. She even knows how to forge signatures herself, but she’s still working on being able to replicate John Hancock’s signature.

However, the book is only partly about Lucy and her interest in graphology. It’s also about Nicky, the boy who lives in the apartment above Lucy’s and is always in time-out, sent there by his shouting and uncaring dad. (Mom absconded to India.) And it’s about Pigeon, a talking, pie-eating pigeon, and Grandma Zelda, who’s Nicky’s sometimes forgetful but excellent pie-making grandmother. Grandma Zelda’s specialty is Zeldaberry pies (recipe in the back of the book).

When Grandma Zelda disappears, Nicky, Lucy and Pigeon band together to find her. This final third of the book is both the best and the weakest part of the story. It’s best because we finally get to see the three friends working together to solve a problem, the disappearance of Grandma Zelda. But it’s the weakest because Nicky’s dad, the person responsible for Grandma’s vanishing, was just too bad for his eventual “redemption” to be believable. He’s bad, bad, bad, all through the book; then he apologizes and everything is fine. (Not a spoiler. It’s pretty obvious throughout the book who the bad guy is and what his nefarious plan is.)

Signed by Zelda is quirky, sort of a stretch on the believability scale, and a delight for anyone who’s a fan of handwriting analysis–or pigeons. Lucy even has rules, called LUCY’S WRITING RULES:

LWR #1: Watch your back around paper stabbers.
LWR #2: Confused people have confused writing.
LWR #3: Real friends write with real letters.
LWR #4: You are your I.
LWR #5: Every signature has a secret.

Context is everything, and you would probably have to read the book to get the full significance of Lucy’s Writing Rules. I just wonder what Lucy would make of my signature?

'Signature' photo (c) 2008, Jim Hammer - license:

Reading Questions

First of all, I have to quote the lovely and erudite Ms. Mental Multivitamin:

“In a perfect world, it is what I do all day long: Read. Talk about what I’m reading, what others are reading. Read about what I’m reading, what others are reading. Write, often about reading. Read some more. Sleep.”

1. What book (a classic?) do you hate? Oh, sad to say, I have several modern, twentieth century “classics” that I couldn’t stomach: Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow, A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. I read about a third of each of these novels, enough to be able to say I gave it a real chance.
Then, there are those two famous, acclaimed AMerican authors whose entire body of work I don’t much care for: John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemingway. I am intelligent enough to understand the attraction and the accolades; I just don’t share the love for either author. “Hate” may be a little too strong, but I wouldn’t give much more than a nickel for a novel by either man unless I was desperate for reading material. (I have been desperate before, and I have read my share of Steinbeck and Hemingway. I don’t have time for any more.)

2. To what extent do you judge people by what they read?
If any of the above are your favorites, I don’t judge you at all. I just figure you are privy to some information or understanding that I am not. If anything, I tend to judge myself lacking for not seeing what others see in various popular and acclaimed books.

3. What television series would you recommend as the literariest?
Literariest as in most thought-provoking: LOST or maybe John Adams (miniseries) or Pride and Prejudice (yes, the one with Colin Firth, of course).

4. Describe your ideal home library.
Bookcases line the walls from floor to ceiling. Couches and comfy chairs are in the middle. There’s at least one window with a window seat. I’ve always wanted a window seat. That’s about it.
I already have the floor to ceiling books. Our furnishings fall into the shabby-but-comfortable category. But I have no window seat.

5. Books or sex?
Really? Render unto Caesar. Each in its own place in its own time.

6. How do you decide what to read next?
I sort of wander around my house and look at the shelves, and then I look in my library basket. Then, I might check my Kindle to see what I have there that’s unread. And I just pick something.

7. How much do you talk about books in real life (outside of the blogging community)?
I talk about books a lot. Sometimes too much. I recommend books to people frequently. I give books to people. I try not to be obnoxious, but I probably am.

The Dead Gentleman by Matthew Cody

More steam-punk, time travel, kids-save-the-world with a dose of zombies, pirates, and intrepid explorers thrown in for good measure. Shake it all together, and you have an adventure story that answers the eternal question: “Should you be afraid of dark closets and basements and monsters under the bed at night?” (The answer, of course, is a resounding “YES!”)

Tommy is a nineteenth century Dickensian London street urchin who is recruited to join the Explorers’ Society, a group of men devoted to exploring portals to other worlds. Jezebel Lemon is a twenty-first century schoolgirl who lives in a New York apartment with her dad, an artist. When Tommy and Jez become partners, they have to find a way to save the world from the un-dead, Dead Gentleman.

I liked the friendship aspect of this story. What does it take to make people friends?What if a friend betrays you? What do friends do to balance each other and compensate for the other’s weaknesses? Tommy is a bit rash, rushing in where others fear to tread; Jez is more cautious, but she approaches bold and daring by the end of the novel. Then there’s also Bernard, another friend and ally who’s super-cautious, but loyal. The friends complement one another.

I didn’t much like the villains of the piece, not that you’re supposed to like villains. The Dead Gentleman and his henchman Macheath are a little too nefarious and mustache-twirling to be believed. However, each to his own villains, I suppose.

For middle grade steam-punk adventure fans, The Dead Gentleman is a solid entry in the genre. Recommended on the back cover by Pseudonymous Bosch.

Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui Sutherland

Clay and his four young dragonet friends have lived their entire lives hidden away under the mountain, being trained for their eventual destiny: to end the dragon war among the various groups of dragons in Pyrrhia, the dragon-inhabited land in this intriguing story of dragonets, prophecy and coming of age. Each of the dragon tribes has a queen ruler, except the Sandwings, who have three sisters fighting for control of the tribe. Other dragon tribes have taken sides in the Sandwings’ war, so the entire land of Pyrrhia is at war and has been for quite a long time. It’s kind of like World War I Europe with all the intertwined alliances and treaties, except with dragons.

The Dragonet Prophecy, the first book in a projected series about the “dragonets of destiny”, tells the story from the point of view of Clay, a Mudwing dragon who, despite being the biggest and possibly the most talented fighter of the five dragonets of destiny, has a heart for peace and non-violence. That’s not to say that the story itself is non-violent; there are several complaints on Amazon about the book being too violent for the intended age group. I think the appropriate age group is about 10 and up, and for better or for worse, most 10 year olds in our culture are accustomed to the level of violence in The Dragonet Prophecy (dragons eating prey, including humans, and dragons fighting other dragons).

There’s not much of a theme here or underlying subtext. Maybe the story is about how difficult it is to make peace in the midst of war and warlike dragons. Or maybe it’s about coming of age, and finding your parents, and moving on from there. However, not every story has to be about Big Ideas. Some can just reference the Big Themes and rely on plot and characters to carry most of the weight. The Dragonet Prophecy is that second kind of novel.

I thought this book was a promising start to a somewhat unconventional and unpredictable story. The world-building was good, and there’s lots of room for more surprises as readers find out more about the cultures and habits of the various tribes of dragons in Pyrrhia. I’m looking forward to reading the second book in this series, The Lost Heir, due out in January, 2013. It’s told from the viewpoint of Tsunami, a SeaWing dragonet who, accompanied by her fellow dragonets of destiny, goes to find her parents underwater in the SeaWing kingdom.

The Hop by Sharelle Byars Moranville

I hereby christen a new genre: eco-fantasy. (Ummm, OK, so Google shows over 28 million hits for eco-fantasy. There’s nothing new under the sun.)

Anyway, The Hop is an eco-fantasy, complete with Big, Bad Developers, a nature-loving heroine, and talking toads. The toads including one named Tad, live in Toadville-by-Tumbledown. Their habitat is about to be destroyed by Central Iowa Realtors, a company looking build a new shopping center. Only if Tad can kiss a human girl will Toadville be saved.

Told alternately from the point of view of Tad the Toad and of a girl named Taylor, this story was cute and enjoyable, even if it was a bit predictable. Of course, Toadville will be saved. Of course, Tad will kiss the Queen of the Hop. Of course, all will be well, even if it takes a cross-country journey to Reno, Nevada, a bit of magic and a rich conservationist to pull it all off. For gardeners, herpetologists, fifties music fans, and eco-fantasy readers.

In the meantime, if you’re starved for herpetological information:
Toads Could Be Used to Predict Earthquakes.
Frogs and Toads Nature Study
Enchanted Learning: Toads
Frog and Toad page on Pinterest
For further reading: The Frog and Toad Collection by Arnold Lobel, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, Commander Toad and the Space Pirates by Jane Yolen, The Toad Books by Morris Gleitzman, Toad by the Road by Joanne Ryder.

Project Jackalope by Emily Ecton

The jackalope is said to be a hybrid of the pygmy-deer and a species of “killer rabbit”. Reportedly, jackalopes are extremely shy unless approached. It has also been said that the jackalope can convincingly imitate any sound, including the human voice. It uses this ability to elude pursuers, chiefly by using phrases such as “There he goes! That way!” During days of the Old West, when cowboys gathered by the campfires singing at night, jackalopes could often be heard mimicking their voices. It is said that a jackalope may be caught by putting a flask of whiskey out at night. The jackalope will drink its fill of whiskey and its intoxication will make it easier to hunt. However, legend has it that they are dangerous if approached.

My source for such informative data on the elusive jackalope is, of course, the ever-trusted and trustworthy Wikipedia. The narrator of Project Jacklope, Jeremy, who is a “basic junior high type”, and his next-door neighbor Professor Twitchett, who is “kind of a wack job”, both make liberal use of the same source. So I’m in good company when it comes to finding out about jackalopes and other so-called mythical creatures.

I say “so-called” because after you finish reading Project Jackalope, you may or may not believe that jackalopes actually exist. I’m a skeptic, but then it takes a lot to convince me of anything outlandish. And Project Jackalope is an outlandish tale in which a crazy zoo employee leaves a science experiment in Jeremy’s bedroom along with a note telling him to “keep it safe, keep it secret.” Jeremy ends up on the run, with the jackalope (or animal hybrid) in a Dora the Explorer suitcase. Jeremy’s only friend, and accomplice, is another neighbor, Agatha, Miss Know-it-all, Science Fair Champion, and Accomplished Anathematizer.

Yeah, we are not treated to any examples of the actual words Agatha uses, but at several critical moments in the story, Agatha cusses up a bluestorm, as my mother would say. And Jeremy’s language while not profane, is definitely on a continuum from cheeky to downright rude. Typical junior high. If that’s likely to annoy, don’t read. Otherwise, Project Jackalope is funny and entertaining.

Author Emily Ecton is a writer and producer for NPR’s Wait, Wait . . . Don’t Tell Me, and I think some of the snarky humor of that show rubbed off on her or got into her book or something. Junior high is a snarky time of life, so the shoe fits. Maybe a few examples, chosen, nearly at random, would give a more accurate picture of the tone of this middle grade comedy adventure:

“I rolled my eyes. How corny can you get? You’re going to see the boss. But I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I was getting an ulcer or was going to puke or something. Agatha stopped cussing and got a stricken look on her face.”

“Agatha turned around in her seat and stared at me. Somebody needed a whack with the cluestick.”

“If you didn’t count the problem of the freaking mutant sitting in the middle of the floor, we were all clear.”

“I think I handled the situation well. I immediately slammed the door in his face and locked it. It was an impulse and I went with it. So sue me.”

It may say something about the general level of humor around this house that I read straight through Project Jackalope, laughed frequently, and generally didn’t mind the (unspecified) cussing and the snark. And I’m inconsistent because I just wrote about another Cybils nominee that it was too junior high sarcastic for me to enjoy. It just wasn’t funny anymore after a few chapters, but this book was.

So sue me.

Saturday Review of Books: November 24, 2012

“When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young.” ~Maya Angelou


Welcome to the Saturday Review of Books at Semicolon. Here’s how it usually works. Find a book review on your blog posted sometime during the previous week. The review doesn’t have to be a formal sort of thing. You can link to your thoughts on a particular book, a few ideas inspired by reading the book, your evaluation, quotations, whatever.

Then on Friday night/Saturday, you post a link here at Semicolon in Mr. Linky to the specific post where you’ve written your book review. Don’t link to your main blog page because this kind of link makes it hard to find the book review, especially when people drop in later after you’ve added new content to your blog. In parentheses after your name, add the title of the book you’re reviewing. This addition will help people to find the reviews they’re most interested in reading.

After linking to your own reviews, you can spend as long as you want reading the reviews of other bloggers for the week and adding to your wishlist of books to read. That’s how my own TBR list has become completely unmanageable and the reason I can’t join any reading challenges. I have my own personal challenge that never ends.

1. the Ink Slinger (Starship Troopers)
2. the Ink Slinger (I Am the Messenger)
3. Thoughts of Joy (The Girl Who Disappeared Twice)
4. Becky (Christmas Roses)
5. Janet (A Year of Biblical Womanhood)
6. Becky (Practical Religion)
7. Becky (Almost Home)
8. Becky (Second Life of Abigail Walker)
9. Becky (City)
10. Becky (Lions of Little Rock)
11. Becky (Kingmaker’s Daughter)
12. Becky (Chicken Problem, Other Side of Town, 3 more)
13. Fay @ BlogABookEtc
14. Reading to Know (The Shepherd Leader)
15. Amy @ Hope Is the Word (Electric Ben)
16. Amy @ Hope Is the Word (One and Only Ivan)
17. Barbara H. (C. S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy)
18. Glynn (Child Made of Sand)
19. Glynn (The Heart Aroused)
20. Marijo @ The Giggling Gull (The Traveling Restaurant)
21. Marijo @ The Giggling Gull (Graceful)
22. Marijo @ The Giggling Gull (The Lamb)
23. Marijo @ The Giggling Gull (A Gospel Primer)
24. Marijo @ The Giggling Gull (What Your Husband Isn’t Telling You)
25. Marijo @ The Giggling Gull (Quest for Celestia)
26. Marijo @ The Giggling Gull (Escape From Camp 14)
27. Seth@Collateral Bloggage (On the Beach)
28. JoAnne @ The Fairytale Nerd (Grasping at Eternity)
29. JoAnne @ The Fairytale Nerd (Mystic City by Theo Lawrence)
30. Colleen @Books in the City (Little Bee)
31. Lucybird’s Book Blog (The Thief)
32. Lucybird’s Book Blog (Hurry home Spider)
33. Beckie @ ByTheBook (D.R.T: Dead Right There)
34. Beckie @ ByTheBook (A Thousand Sleepless Nights)
35. Lazygal (The Impossible Dead)
36. Lazygal (This I Believe)
37. Lazygal (Being Henry David)
38. Nicola (Blue Bay Mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner)
39. Nicola (The Strand Magazine June-Sept 2012)
40. Nicola (Short Story: “Surviving the Peace” by Margaret Ellingson)
41. Nicola (Batula by Steven T. Seagle)
42. Nicola (Short Story: “a wedding has been arranged… by Eleanor Harvey)
43. Nicola (Becoming Holmes by Shane Peacock)
44. Nicola (Hill of Fire by Thomas P. Lewis)
45. Nicola (Upside Down: A Vampire Tale by Jess Smart Smiley)
46. Nicola (Criminal Macabre: The Complete Cal McDonald Stories by Steve Niles)
47. Nicola (Christened with Crosses by Eduard Kochergin)
48. SuziQoregon @ Whimpulsive (Aunt Dimity Detective)
49. Becky (10 Christmas Picture Books, 2012)
50. Girl Detective (36 Arguments for the Existence of God)
51. Girl Detective (August Moon GN)
52. Girl Detective (The Silver Linings Playbook)
53. Vicki (Camp by Elaine Wolf)
54. Susan @ Reading World (Open Wound. The Tragic Obsession of Dr. William Beaumont)
55. Susan @ Reading World (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde)
56. Anna @ Diary of an Eccentric (Yellow Star)
57. Anna @ Diary of an Eccentric (My Berlin Kitchen)
58. Nova @ My Seryniti (The Blood Debt)

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

My Very UnFairy Tale Life by Anna Staniszewski

“You know all those stories that claim fairies cry sparkle tears and elves travel by rainbow? They’re lies. All lies. No one tells you the truth until it’s too late. And then all you can do is run like crazy while a herd of unicorns tries to kill you.”

Jenny has become somewhat disillusioned with her new life as an Adventurer who helps magical creatures in other worlds solve their problems and get out of predicaments. She’s had enough of dangerous situations in which her only “weapons” are the cheesy sayings that pop into her head at crisis moments, such as “Why can’t we all just get along?” or “There’s no I in team!” And Jenny’s magical guide Anthony the gnome isn’t much help: he’s more interested in the snack selection than he is in rescuing Jenny from danger. Jenny just wants to have normal friends and a normal life again. She wants to quit being an adventurer.

But the job is not so easy to walk away from. When the kingdom of Speak needs her help to free them from the terrible clown sorcerer Klarr and his silence spell, Jenny must find a way to face her fears and make things right, especially when the spell affects Jenny herself.

This one is just for fun. Although the narrator, Jenny, is twelve years old, the book would probably appeal to seven to ten year olds and be a little too silly for most older middle grade readers. After all, Jenny becomes mouthless (yes, she actually ends up without a mouth) a few chapters in, and that’s a weird and silly picture to envision. Recommend it to any young readers looking for a light, funny, fairy tale-ish read that won’t require a lot of emotional or intellectual investment.

There’s a sequel due out in March, 2013: My Epic Fairy Tale Fail.

Thankfully Reading 2012

I decided to participate in Jenn’s Thankfully Reading weekend by doing what comes naturally–reading the books with which God has blessed me, with thanksgiving in my heart. In this kick-off post, I thought I’d share what the Semicolon family is reading this weekend.

Grandma G, who lives in a little apartment behind our house, is reading Ann Patchett’s Bel Canto. I read Bel Canto a couple of years ago and reviewed it here.

Engineer Husband is reading I and II Thessalonians and Has Christianity Failed You? by Ravi Zacharias. He’s been listening to Mr. Zacharias on the radio a lot lately, and he’s finding the book a little scattered, but thought-provoking.

Eldest Daughter, age 27, is reading With Love From Karen by Marie Killilea, the sequel to her best-selling book, Karen, about raising a child with cerebral palsy. Eldest Daughter is in the midst of preparing to be received into the Catholic Church, and she likes the Catholicism and the family-ness of the Killilea books.

Computer Guru Son, age 25, says he’s trying to read my copy of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express in Spanish, Asesinato en el Orient Express, but I find it hard to believe since I’m the one who taught his high school Spanish class. He was not the best student in spite of being the only student in the class.

Artiste Daughter, age 23, asked for a mystery to read when she arrived today for Thanksgiving dinner. She’s already read and enjoyed all of my Agatha Christie novels, so I gave her Strong Poison by Dorothy Sayers. Artiste Daughter is nursing a cold, and a good mystery is the best medicine we can prescribe here at Semicolon library and book depository.

Organizer/Drama Daughter, age 21, is reading JK Rowling’s new adult novel, The Casual Vacancy. She says it’s about English rural village life and politics, and so far, so good. Very different from Harry Potter, though.

Brown Bear Daughter, age 17, is supposed to be reading Vanity Fair by Thackeray. She finished the first six chapters last week, but she hasn’t made any progress this week with all the holiday distractions. She asked me for something lighter than Vanity Fair to read on Monday, and she ended up with P.G. Wodehouse, one of the Jeeves books. I’ll have to ask her how that’s going.

Dancer Daughter II, age 13, fell asleep the other night re-reading one of Ally Carter’s Gallagher Girls spy novels. I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You is the first in a series of good, clean fun for middle grade and young adult readers.

Z-baby, age 11, doesn’t read for fun, at least not too often. I’m reading A Line in the Sand: The Alamo Diary of Lucinda Lawrence: Gonzales, Texas, 1836 (Dear America Series) to her for her Texas history class, and we’re enjoying the story of Lucinda, a young teen in early Texas just before and during the Texas Revolution.

And, of course, I am reading copious amounts of middle grade science fictiona and fantasy for the Cybils Awards. Scroll down to read some of my reviews.

What will you be reading this weekend?

The Storm Makers by Jennifer E. Smith

I don’t know what they’re paying Brett Helquist to illustrate a book, but if it’s not a lot, he should demand more. I also don’t know if Mr. Helquist has some kind of magical spell that he places on his illustrations, but I’m telling you that his pictures draw me into a story in a way that seems almost bewitched. I’m reading along, thinking how much I’m enjoying the story, glancing at the illustrations, thinking something looks familiar about them. However, I don’t usually pay much attention to pictures. Then, I get to the end of the book, close it with a satisfied sigh, and idly wonder who the illustrator was. I look and see that it was Brett Helquist, and I try to imagine the book without the added dimension of Mr. Helquist’s drawings. It’s just not the same story without the pictures.

The Storm Makers would be a good book even without illustrations, but with Helquist’s talents, it’s a great book. The twins Ruby and Simon McDuff have moved to a farm in Wisconsin from their previous home in Chicago. Dad wants to be an inventor, and Mom wants to become an artist. And since the move, all Simon can think about is baseball and being with other boys. Ruby misses the way she and her brother used to share everything. Now it feels as if everything is changing, and she and Simon are miles apart even though they live in the same house.

The changes that are coming, however, push Ruby and Simon closer and closer together, even if they’re not sure what to do about the drought and storms that are shaking their little world. Could Simon have a special talent that might put him in great danger? Who is the mysterious stranger hiding out in the old barn? Who can Ruby and Simon trust to tell them the truth about the weather and the world?

I really don’t want to tell you too much more about this book because I want you to enjoy all the twists and turns as much as I did. I was a bit frustrated with the “good guys” and how little information they were willing to share with Ruby and Simon. And of course, you know that “door” that you absolutely know as you’re reading the characters shouldn’t open? Ruby and Simon open it, of course.

Still, if you can get past the refusal of adult mentors to share vital information and the stupidity of the main characters in going where they ought not to go, it really is a great story. Readalikes are Savvy by Ingrid Law, The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, and perhaps 100 Cupboards by N.D. Wilson. At least, those are the books I was reminded of as I read The Storm Makers. Some budding young scientists may also want to read more nonfiction about weather and how it works after reading The Storm Makers. I’d suggest: