Kitten’s First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes

Picture books that point to truth:

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 (New Living Translation)

“In all our frantic searching & scrambling, we’re seeking Jesus. In all our wandering & running, we’re yearning to find someone truly worth following. In our most earnest life pursuits, He’s the one we’re looking for even when we don’t have a clue.” ~Beth Moore

In Kitten’s First Full Moon, an adventurous kitten, who thinks she sees a full bowl of milk in the sky, travels all over to find the milk, only to find that the only real bowl of milk is at home on her own porch. Kitten thinks she knows where she’s going, and she thinks she knows what she’s looking for. And she does keep on searching until she finds the real thing.

My prayer for today is that we will keep on seeking until we look in the right place for the only source of truth and beauty and nourishment, Jesus.

Commitments and Milestones and Celebrations

I think this generation of young adults NEED milestones and celebrations and ceremonies and markers, but they don’t know it. Some of my children have not wanted to celebrate their graduation perhaps because they feel uneasy about ceremony and public announcements in general? And this uneasiness has carried over into other things. I have a daughter who is essentially “married” (but not) because she can’t wrap her head around the actual wedding. I know others who are committed to Christ but refuse to be baptized because it would require a public event within the context of the church community.

I don’t have all my thoughts in order about this, but I see this in so many areas: a reluctance to attend weddings and funerals and baby showers and other markers, a social anxiety that afflicts many young people I know, a reluctance to have a graduation ceremony or a wedding or baptism or whatever. I’m not talking about the expense but rather the commitment and vulnerability that is required to announce a milestone or achievement or commitment in one’s life and invite others to celebrate it with you. The celebration of definite commitments and events is important and lacking in people who just want to drift into adulthood or marriage or even Christian commitment. When we drift into these periods and chapters and allegiances in our lives, we more easily drift out as well.

Young Man From the Piedmont by Leonard Wibberley

Young Man From the Piedmont: The Youth of Thomas Jefferson by Leonard Wibberley.

Wibberley places these words in the mouth of George Wythe, famous Virginia lawyer and Jefferson’s teacher and mentor:

“When a lawyer takes a case into court, Tom, he performs a service by demonstrating to the public the workings of the law to which they have given their sanction. If the law is a bad and an unjust law, then the lawyer brings this forcibly to the attention of the public by demanding that the law be enforced. And so the lawyers may stir the people to change bad laws by which the courts are bound. But the changing of laws is the province of the people through their elected representatives. If the courts could change laws at will, then courts would soon become tyrannical and no man would be safe in his person or his property.”

Earlier in the book Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry are discussing the court’s responsibility in regard to law and justice;

TJ: “But the court must uphold the law. That is the function of a court . . .”

PH: “You’re wrong, Tom. The function of a court is to see that justice is done. Courts are courts of justice, and when I get before that jury I’ll argue justice and the devil with the law and all the precedents.”

Do you agree with Jefferson and Wythe that courts must uphold the law and thereby expose those laws that are truly bad in order that the legislature may fix or annul or repeal those bad laws? Or are the courts meant to dispense justice no matter what the letter of the law may say?

Afford-ability, or How to Be in an Unfair World

A friend and I had a mostly friendly discussion a few days ago about politics and poverty and specifically, college tuition giveaways and college loan debt cancellation. She sent me the following information and argument via text message about the affordability of a college education because, she insisted, that I just did not understand the difficulties that young people face nowadays:

Tuition at the University of Houston is about 13K a year with a Pell Grant for someone making 30K a year. To make 30K a year before taxes, one would need to work 60 hours a week at $10 an hour. So, let’s say you miraculously find that kind of job, not being college educated. Subtract 12K per year for rent and utilities (that’s on the low end). Then, subtract 13K to pay tuition. You’re left with $5000 to pay all other expenses for the entire year.

So, IF you can find a job where you can work 60 hours a week at $10 an hour and live off of approximately $400 a month for all other expenses including food and clothing and transportation, you might be able to afford college in your spare time, after you get done working twelve hours a day.

Her point is that college is unaffordable for anyone other than the very rich and that without a college education a good job that will support oneself plus a family is impossible to get. So she supports college loan forgiveness, free college for all, and an increase in the minimum wage.

I won’t argue with her numbers. I haven’t checked them, but I believe my friend’s math is about right. I just don’t agree with her perspective.

I can look at life and its challenges from at least two different perspectives. The first view says that the deck is stacked against me and against most people from the start by systemic injustice, racism, misogyny, and the accidents of birth (into poverty perhaps), health, and inherited intelligence and abilities. No matter how hard I work or what I try, I will never be able to overcome all the things that are working against my economic success and well-being, and if I somehow do become financially successful, it’s pure luck, nothing more. Therefore, we need government, the bigger the better, to come in and fix all of the injustices, provide the food and shelter and healthcare that we need, and make sure that no one benefits from being born rich or intelligent or healthy or of a class or race that is culturally privileged. Government must make sure that everyone can go to college. And government must also provide the money and opportunity for those who are economically disadvantaged to have the same education and healthcare and standard of living as those who are “born lucky.”

The second view, the one I hold, says that life is hard for all of us. I may be born rich but not healthy, or healthy but not of a privileged class, or intelligent but poor and and into a family that is disadvantaged or dysfunctional. Maybe a very few people are born rich and healthy and smart and socially advantaged and into a stable. loving family, but even those people face challenges because we all live in a broken world full of crime and pollution and false accusation and and broken relationships and accidents and all manner of evil that can stop even the most advantaged person in his tracks and send him on a completely different trajectory. But I sincerely believe that with hard work, determination, hope and faith in a good God who is at work in the world and in our individual lives, we can overcome our hardships and persevere through them and be successful. In this country in particular, we can work hard and make good economic decisions and look for opportunities and take them when they come, and we can be economically successful, not necessarily wealthy, but comfortable.

I believe in American success and prosperity. But even if the System beats me down, doesn’t allow me to go to college, makes me do without the healthcare I want because I can’t afford it, discriminates against me in terms of job opportunities or low wages, I believe that these injustices can be overcome and worked through by an individual who looks for opportunities instead of barriers and who cries out to the Lord for help and sustenance. (And even if I am wrong about the possibilities for success, it is much better to be optimistic and believe in the future than to give in to discouragement and despair.) Yes, sometimes we need the help of other people to continue on and to be successful. Yes, we should look for those who need a little help along the way and help them. But looking to the government for that help is a trap and a delusion.

When has government ever been able to administer a pure and honest and efficient and effective system of social welfare? Does an increase in the minimum wage help some people while hurting the overall economy and employment rate thereby hurting those who are looking for a job or who want to work more hours? Do I want to filter my dollars in taxes through a federal bureaucracy that will try to use that money to level out poverty and provide healthcare for everyone? Or is it more effective and compassionate to leave the dollars in my hands and encourage me to be generous on a local level to individuals, charities, churches, and other groups who are fighting poverty and disease and social injustice, case by case, person by person, on the ground? If I am faced with insuperable barriers to success and well-being, who is more likely to help me immediately, effectively, and without waste and corruption, the government or individuals in my community or family?

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

I Timothy 6:6-11

Yes, desire an education for the education’s sake. (If you can’t go to college, educate yourself.) Yes, try to be as healthy as you can. Yes, work to find a job that you can do well and that can pay you enough money to buy food, clothing, and shelter for your family. But above all, seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. And all these things shall be added to you, as the Lord sees fit to provide.

The Tale of Hill Top Farm by Susan Wittig Albert

I’ve had this cozy mystery series, The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter, on my TBR list for quite a while, and I’ve just now managed to check out the first book in the series from my library and read it. I thought it might be fun, and indeed this little story pushes all of the right buttons for a low-stress, delightful, homey read on a semi-winter’s day.

The point of view character is Beatrix Potter, author of a set of children’s books about little animals with human characteristics, the most famous of which is The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Our tale of Hill Top Farm shows Ms. Potter, a middle-aged spinster who has just experienced a great personal loss, trying to come to terms with her loss, stake out her independence from her controlling parents, and begin to farm on a new piece of land that she has purchased in the Lake District of northern England.

Yes, the Lake District. Charlotte Mason. Swallows and Amazons. William Wordsworth. Ambleside. Coniston. Keswick. Windermere. All of these places and some of the names are mentioned in the book, and the whole story is just full of pleasant associations. Beatrix Potter herself talks about her life and her books and drawings, and she carries her animal friends with hr as she works to find a place for herself in the village of Sawrey near the hill top farm that she wants to make her home. Unfortunately, there are some disturbing things going on in this peaceful village: a sudden death, art theft, false accusations, and gossip. And Ms. Potter is drawn into the complications and distressful events of the village as she attempts to make sense of some rather unusual occurrences.

Nothing very violent or dreadful happens in the novel, and the mystery is about as sedate and cozy as a mystery can be. Some village eccentrics and talking animals (only the other animals can understand each other) and tension over changing times make up most of the drama in the book. Then, Beatrix Potter’s personal is undergoing a mild and slow sort of revolution as she begins her quest for independence, a revolt that I assume will continue to unfold in the remainder of the series. I can’t vouch for the rest of the series since I haven’t read those books yet, but I am looking forward to doing so at the leisurely pace that the books themselves call for. I am pleased to have found a series that should be fun and undemanding for interspersing in between the “hard stuff” that I sometimes read.

The Gospel Comes With a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield

Rosaria Butterfield, author of the spiritual autobiography and conversion story, Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, has also written this newer book, an exhortation and guide to Christian hospitality, subtitled Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World. Ms. Butterfield, who came to Christ as a lesbian professor of literature and eventually became a Presbyterian pastor’s wife and mother to several children, has a great deal to say and a number of stories to tell about what she calls “radical hospitality.”

She first ties the idea to of hospitality to respect and care for persons made in the image of God. “Radically ordinary hospitality–those who live it see strangers as neighbors and neighbors as family of God. They recoil at reducing a person to a category or a label.” Then, she goes on to to note the efficacy, indeed the necessity, of hospitality as a means of evangelism, in the best sense of the word. “Those who live out radically ordinary hospitality see their homes not a theirs at all but as God’s gift to use for the furtherance of his kingdom. They open doors; they seek out the underprivileged. They now that the gospel comes with a house key.”

Ms. Butterfield fills the remainder of her book, after the preface from which the above quotes are taken, with some exhortation but mostly with stories about what hospitality looks like in her own home and community. She also touches on current events and concerns: “Me-Too”, the dangers and boundaries of hospitality, loneliness, and the sad likelihood of being misunderstood. The stories are inspiring, but also daunting. I agree with her thesis, but I truly don’t know where to begin, even though the author tries to give some ideas about how to start practicing radical hospitality, or least simple hospitality, in her final chapter entitled “Conclusion: Feeding the Five Thousand.”

I’m fairly good at having a home that is open to all the many members of our large family and their friends and associates. we often, usually weekly or even more often, have a houseful. I have a private library in my home that is open to members of the public three days a week, and I try to practice “book hospitality” there. But welcoming my neighbors inside for meals and fellowship, opening my home to those who are very different from me, is not something I’ve ever practiced consistently.

This book reminds me of The Turquoise Table: Finding Community and Connection in Your Own Front Yard by Kristin Schell. These books show a way to the kind of hospitality and community I would like to foster in my own neighborhood, but I’m way too introverted and reserved to do it—so far. I think I need a turquoise table or one other concrete starting point to move toward the kind of radical hospitality that I am convinced is our calling as Christ-followers here in major suburbia and elsewhere.

Commonplace, January 2019

Jorge Luis Borges: “Literature is one of the forms that happiness takes; perhaps no writer has given me as many happy hours as Chesterton.

The medieval bishop Isaac of Syria described how, whenever he read to himself,

As in a dream, I enter into a state when my sense and thoughts are concentrated. Then, when with prolonging of this silence, the turmoil of memories is stilled in my heart, ceaseless wavs of joy are sent me by inner thoughts, beyond expectation suddenly arising to delight my heart.

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr, p. 65

“In the long run a medium’s content matters less than the medium itself in influencing how we think and act. As our window onto the world and onto ourselves, a popular medium molds what we see and how we see it—and eventually, if we use it enough, it changes who we are, as individuals and as a society.” ~The Shallows by Nicholas Carr

“One must guard against the fault of being annoyed with one’s children for not being what one wished and hoped.” ~Crown Princess Victoria of Prussia (daughter of Queen Victoria of England)

God has made my heart faint;

The Almighty has terrified me;

Yet I am not silenced because of the darkness,

Nor because thick darkness covers my face.

Job 23:16-17

Take Heed of Loving Me by Elizabeth Gray Vining

This novel is a fictionalized biography of the Elizabethan poet John Donne, one of my favorite poets. Wikipedia speaks of the “strong, sensual style” and “abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations” in Donne’s poetry, and I tend to enjoy the surprises and disconcerting changes that appear in much of Donne’s poetry.

Donne himself was a courtier, trying for most of his life to find an influential and rich patron who would make his fortune and get him the appointments he needed for a diplomatic career. He rather spoiled his chances such a career when he fell in love with the niece, Anne More, of his patron and employer, Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal under Queen Elizabeth I. Donne, who was pushing thirty, and Anne, still a teenager, secretly married, and when the marriage was discovered, Donne got fired from his position with Sir Thomas and Anne’s father disowned the pari and tried to have their marriage declared invalid. Oh, and John Donne spent a short time in prison where he wrote a succinct poem about his fate:

John Donne

Anne Donne


John and Anne went on to spend most of their sixteen years of married life in financial difficulties. Donne wrote both prose and poems, sometimes for pay and sometimes to get the attention of those he hoped would advance his career. Anne gave birth to twelve children in sixteen years, two of them stillborn. The couple, as portrayed in the book and seemingly in real life, remained deeply in love despite their difficult circumstances until Anne died in 1617, five days after giving birth to a stillborn baby.

I kept waiting as I read the story of Donne’s life for John Donne to experience Christian conversion of some sort and to become an Anglican priest. I knew that he did become a minister and a believer at some point. It turns out that Donne only became a cleric finally because James I practically ordered him to do so. Donne had no other way to support his growing family, so he was ordained in 1615, only a couple of years before the death of his wife.

This novel has Donne’s actual conversion coming after Anne’s death in the very last chapter of the book. You can tell from his poetry, especially his Holy Sonnets, and from some of his sermons that he truly did trust in the Lord for forgiveness and salvation (or else he was an awfully good faker). I remember going to see a play about John Donne’s life many years ago when Engineer Husband and I were dating. I also remember watching the movie version of the Pulitzer prize winning play, Wit with Emma Thompson as the main character, an English professor who is dying of ovarian cancer and what also has a predilection for the poetry of John Donne.

Other posts about John Donne and his poetry:

Urchin of the Riding Stars by M.I. McAllister

Urchin of the Riding Stars (The Mistmantle Chronicles, Book 1) by M.I. McAllister.

The Goodreads blurb on this this book calls it “an epic, Shakespearian story of murder, treachery and revenge,” and I can see that. The themes and plot of Macbeth in particular are obviously present. However, I think my expectations were a little too high from all of the many recommendation I’ve seen for this series. It was decent fantasy fiction, similar to the Redwall book or S.D. Smith’s Green Ember series, but the writing and the plot development were not as good as I expected them to be. It’s not described in detail, but there is murder (of animal characters) and what I would call demon possession, although those words aren’t used in the book, and “culling” (killing) of inferior or weak newborn animals, so beware of giving this book to sensitive readers.

Urchin is a squirrel born on the Night of the Riding Stars. I’m not sure what “riding stars” are but maybe some kind of meteor shower? At any rate, the Night of the Riding Stars always portends some major event on the island of Mistmantle where squirrels, otters, moles, and hedgehogs live in harmony under the beneficent rule of their king, a hedgehog. When Urchin grows up and comes to serve in the castle, things start to go south. His mentor and master, Crispin the squirrel, takes the fall for the murder of the child prince, and when Crispin is exiled, Urchin and his new masters the otter Padra, must find out who the real murderer is and save the kingdom from an evil plot to overthrow the king. The villain of the piece is truly evil, and the good guys muddle about rather dimly trying to stop him.

I am hoping that the series improves with the second book, Urchin and the Heartstone. There are five books in this series, and I have the first three in my library. I am told that books four and five are not only out of print, but also very difficult to find as affordable, used books. The entire series is available for Kindle, however.

50 Best Middle Grade Novels of the 21st Century

In 2019 Booklist published their list of the “50 Best Middle Grade Novels of the 21st Century.” Go ahead, take a look.

They left off Harry Potter, Wimpy Kid, and Percy Jackson because they figured those already had enough attention. (I would leave off two of the three for reasons of poor quality and over-exposure, and HP for the reason they state.) They also “cheated” and included series as one book, so I plan to do the same. Anyway, I do have some reading background and expertise in this particular genre, and for your reading pleasure I thought I would give you my own list of the 50 Best Middle Grade Novels of the 21st Century (so far). There is some overlap between my list and Booklist’s list, so I’ll start with those books we agree on.

Booklist and Semicolon’s Best Books (14 selections):

The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill. Algonquin, 2016.

Greenglass House by Kate Milford. Illus. by Jaime Zollars. Clarion, 2014.

Last Day on Mars by Kevin Emerson. HarperCollins/Walden Pond, 2017.

Lockwood & Co. series by Jonathan Stroud. Illus. by Kate Adams. Disney/Hyperion, 2012-2017. (5 titles)

The Mysterious Benedict Society series by Trenton Lee Stewart. Illus. by Carson Ellis and Diana Sudyka. Little, Brown/Megan Tingley, 2007-2012. (4 titles)

Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt. Clarion, 2011.

The Penderwicks series by Jeanne Birdsall. Knopf, 2005-2018. (5 titles)

Race to the Bottom of the Sea by Lindsay Eagar. Candlewick, 2017.

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin. Feiwel and Friends, 2014.

The Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan. I’ve only read the first book in this series, but I do plan to read more. Recommended.

A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park. Clarion, 2001. Newbery Award winning story of an orphan boy who wants to become a potter. Tree-Ear, named for a wild mushroom that grows without seed, lives under a bridge with his friend and mentor, Crane-man. His friend’s shriveled and twisted leg and foot makes him unable to work, and the two manage to eat and hold body and soul together by foraging among the garbage heaps. Then, Tree-Ear gets a job—and a dream of leaving the fringes of 12th century Korean society to become an artisan.

The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some Soup, and a Spool of Thread by Kate DiCamillo. Illus. by Timothy Basil Ering. Candlewick, 2003.

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. Random/Wendy Lamb, 2009.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon series by Grace Lin. Little, Brown, 2009-2016. (3 titles)

Then, Betsy Bird at Fuse #8 chimed in with the substitutions and changes she would make to the list.

Fuse #8 and Semicolon’s Best Books (3 selections):

Rules by Cynthia Lord.

A Drowned Maiden’s Hair by Laura Amy Schlitz. Historical fiction about Maud, an orphan, who is adopted out-of-the-blue by two elderly sisters. Her new guardians lavish her with new clothes on their way home to their large home, but then make her hide in the attic when guests come. They have a plan for Maud to help them in their spiritualism business, but Maud may be more than the sister bargained for.

Ghost by Jason Reynolds.


And, these are my selections—33 more books that I think are outstanding and will stand the test of time:

Heart of a Shepherd by Roseanne Parry.

Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce.

The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson. (On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, North! Or Be Eaten, The Monster in the Hollows, The Warden and the Wolf King) Waterbrook/Rabbit Room Press, 2008-2014.

The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd. 2008.

The Underneath by Kathi Appelt.

Alvin Ho series by Lenore Look.

The Casson Family series by Hilary McKay. (Saffy’s Angel, Indigo’s Star, Permanent Rose, Caddie Ever After, Forever Rose) Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2002-2008.

Maggie Valley novels by Kerry Madden. (Gentle’s Holler, Louisiana’s Song, Jessie’s Mountain)

Leepike Ridge by N.D. Wilson. Random House, 2007.

A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park.

Sweep: The Story of a Girl and Her Monster by Jonathan Auxier.

The Hero’s Guide to Storming the Castle by Christopher Healy.

Boys Without Names by Kashmira Sheth. Eager to find work after his hungry family arrives in Mumbai, 11-year-old Gopal ends up locked in a one-room “factory” making beaded frames with five other boys so beaten down they don’t even talk to one another. The boys have no names because their boss manipulates them to distrust one another in the interest of keeping them in slavery. Heart-rending, but never preachy, and ultimately hopeful.

Bamboo People by Mitali Perkins. Charlesbridge, 2010.

Anything But Typical by Nora Leigh Baskin.

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban.

Clementine books by Sara Pennypacker.

Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson.

Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale. (The Goose Girl, Enna Burning, etc.)

Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander.

The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic by Jennifer Trafton.

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen. The Ascendance Trilogy.

The Luck Uglies series by Paul Durham.

Tuesdays at the Castle series by Jessica Day George.

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.

Chasing Vermeer series by Blue Balliet.

The Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner.

Circus Mirandus by Cassie Beasley.

Isle of Swords by Thomas Wayne Batson.

Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm.

Any Which Wall by Laurel Snyder.

Framed by Frank Cottrell Boyce.

So, what do you think? What books would you add or take away from my list or Booklist‘s list? Or make your own list, and link in the comments.