Miscellaneous Links and Thinks for Sunday Salon

The Sunday Salon.com

I suppose I could “tweet” all of these links or put them on Facebook or even Google+ them, but I sort of like gathering them together here at the old blog. Tweet or facebook or + as you like.

Water lilies in my hometown, San Angelo, Texas. I like stories about self-educated hobbyists who pursue a subject with passion and become experts.

Cindy at Ordo Amoris does Shakespeare with the family. “I always tell new students of the bard that if they do not like Shakespeare that is fine but it is the height of ignorance to conclude that it is the Bard’s fault rather than something lacking within themselves.”

All of the back issues of John Holt’s Growing Without Schooling newsletter (1977-2001) are now available to read online. I have many of the early issues of this pioneering newsletter. I probably subscribed in about 1980 or 81. And the newsletter was inspiring. Before I even had children, I knew that there were all these crazy people out there —leftover hippies, religious types, farm families, suburbanites, and city-dwellers– who were teaching their children at home. Or maybe “letting them learn” at home is a more appropriate designation. Although we ended up with a more structured homeschooling experience than many of the original GWS contributors and readers, I learned a lot from the newsletter about educational possibilities and creative thinking in relation to the way children and adults learn. Along with Melissa, I’m welcoming the appearance of Growing Without Schooling, free, on the web. Thank you to all those who made this gift possible.

Seuss, Sendak, and Silverstein: Children’s Authors Who Broke the Rules. I must admit that all three of these authors are favorites of mine, Seuss and Silverstein more than Sendak, but all three to some extent. I never got the appeal of some of Sendak’s books (In the NIght Kitchen, Outside Over There), but Max the Wild Thing is a classic character and his story is worth sharing with kids.

The Thinking Mother shares a Dystopian Literature reading list that she developed for her fourteen year old boy. Good resource for teen boys who are interested in dystopia and science fiction.

Hollywood Republican: 12 Essential Films for the Moral Formation of Boys. I would add Chariots of Fire, Gettysburg, and The Bridge on the River Kwai.

1914: The Arts and Entertainment

'Charlie Chaplin' photo (c) 2007, Fr. Dougal McGuire - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/'Mary Pickford' photo (c) 2008, bunky's pickle - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/British-born comedian Charlie Chaplin and Canadian Mary Pickford are the stars of Hollywood’s silent pictures. Charlie Chaplin makes his first appearance as The Tramp in 1914’s Kid Auto Races at Venice.

In December 1914, cartoonist Johnny Gruelle paints a face on his daughter’s faceless rag doll and invents the Raggedy Ann doll. You can read Raggedy Ann Stories by Johnny Gruelle here at Project Gutenberg.

1914: Events and Inventions

January 5, 1914. The Ford Motor Company announces an eight-hour workday and a minimum wage of $5.00 for a day’s labor.

March 27, 1914. Belgian surgeon Albert Hustin makes the first successful non-direct blood transfusion, using anticoagulants.

April 21, 1914. The U.S. sends troops to Vera Cruz, Mexico to interfere in Mexico’s revolution and prevent the delivery of arms from Germany to Mexican General Victoriano Huerta.

June 28, 1914. In Sarajevo, Bosnia, a Serbian nationalist assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary blames Serbia for allowing anti-Austrian activity in their country.

July 23, 1914. Austria presented Serbia with a strongly worded ultimatum with such severe terms that Serbia would be compelled to refuse. The ultimatum demanded that the government of Serbia:
Officially condemn anti-Austrian publications and propaganda.
Suppress anti-Austrian societies.
Bar anti-Austrian teachers and books from their schools.
Dismiss any government officials that Austria might name.
Accept help from Austria in checking obnoxious propaganda.
Allow Austrian officials to assist in the investigation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

July 25, 1914. Serbia sends a soft answer to Austria while preparing for war.

July 28, 1914. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, saying that Serbia’s reply to their ultimatum was “unsatisfactory.” Since Serbia is an ally of Russia, Russia mobilizes troops to fight against Austria-Hungary and her allies. The Triple Alliance —Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy—is drawn into war against the Triple Entente—Russia, France, and Britain.

August 15, 1914. The Panama Canal officially opens, two years ahead of schedule. A grand celebration was planned, but the eyes of the world are on Europe and the growing war there. So the celebration is muted.You can listen to an audio story presentation about the building of the canal based on the Landmark history book about the Panama Canal at The Reading Well.

A time lapse video of a cruise chip traveling through the Panama Canal from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific in May, 2003:

August-October, 1914. Germany attacks Russia in the east and France in the west. To get to France, German troops invade neutral Belgium. When Britain hears about German atrocities and the invasion of Belgium, Britain is impelled to go to war against Germany and Austria-Hungary.

September, 1914. After the Battle of the Marne, both sides reach a stalemate in northern France, and the armies face each other from trenches along a front that eventually stretches from the North Sea to the Swiss border with France.

October 29, 1914. The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) closes the Dardanelles to Allied (British, French, and Russian) shipping. This act cuts off Russian ports on the Black Sea, and the British and Russians declare war on Turkey in November.

December 24, 1914. British and German soldiers interrupt their fighting in World War I to celebrate Christmas, beginning the Christmas truce. This song by Celtic Thunder is called Christmas, 1915, but it’s about the Christmas Truce that took place in 1914.

Saturday Review of Books: September 17, 2011

“A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good.”
“Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.”
“I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read.”
~Samuel Johnson, b.September 18,1709

SatReviewbuttonIf you’re not familiar with and linking to and perusing the Saturday Review of Books here at Semicolon, you’re missing out. Here’s how it usually works. Find a book review on your blog posted sometime during the previous week. The review doesn’t have to be a formal sort of thing. You can just write your thoughts on a particular book, a few ideas inspired by reading the book, your evaluation, quotations, whatever.

Then on Saturday, you post a link here at Semicolon in Mr. Linky to the specific post where you’ve written your book review. Don’t link to your main blog page because this kind of link makes it hard to find the book review, especially when people drop in later after you’ve added new content to your blog. In parentheses after your name, add the title of the book you’re reviewing. This addition will help people to find the reviews they’re most interested in reading.

After linking to your own reviews, you can spend as long as you want reading the reviews of other bloggers for the week and adding to your wishlist of books to read. That’s how my own TBR list has become completely unmanageable and the reason I can’t join any reading challenges. I have my own personal challenge that never ends.

The Attenbury Emeralds by Jill Paton Walsh

Jill Paton Walsh has continued the story of Dorothy Sayers’ famous sleuth, Lord Peter Wimsey, in her books Thrones, Dominations and A Presumption of Death. These two bring the story into the early 1940s, while Paton Walsh’s third installment, The Attenbury Emeralds, takes place after World War II with Lord Peter and his wife, the famous mystery novelist Harriet Vane, dealing with post-war changes and reminiscing about the good old days of post-World War I Britain and Peter’s very first case.

So the book happens in two time periods, both post-war. As fans know, Lord Peter was quite torn up by his part in the Great War, and he only recovered with the help and ministrations of that perfect manservant, Mervyn Bunter. As The Attenbury Emeralds begins, Lord Peter is telling Harriet the story of how he rejoined society after the war (slowly and with much trepidation) and how he blundered into his first detective case, recovering a stolen emerald for his friends, the Attenbury family.

Jill Paton Walsh isn’t Dorothy Sayers, but she’s a good writer in her own right. She’s written several good children’s and young adult books, and if anyone can presume to extend the story of Lord Peter Wimsey, Ms. Walsh has made a good claim on the right to do so with her first two volumes. (I wrote a little about Walsh and Sayers and the Lord Peter books when I first discovered Ms. Walsh’s sequels back in 2004.)

There is a big change in store for Lord Peter in his personal and his public life in this book, and I think Ms. Walsh writes about Lord Peter’s later years (he’s sixty plus by the time this story takes place) convincingly, with respect for Sayers’ creation and with some charm. This older Peter Wimsey is not quite so tortured and emotional as the youthful Lord Peter was, but he’s still just a bit vulnerable and highly attractive.

I recommend all three sequels by Jill Paton Walsh, if you’ve read the original series by Dorothy Sayers and just can’t get enough of Lord Peter Wimsey and his family and his lovely wife, Harriet. If you haven’t read Dorothy Sayers’ mysteries featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, you have a treat in store for you. Get thee to a library or bookstore and read. Here’s a chronology of the Lord Peter Wimsey stories and novels. I’d suggest that you start with the first novel, Whose Body?, and travel through the book-length stories, not worrying about the short stories unless you’re particularly fond of short stories.

Wednesday’s Word of the Week: Galactagogue

A relative of mine posted this word on Facebook yesterday. That’s all, just the word. It’s not a word I’ve ever heard or used.

I tried to figure out what it meant, and I thought of several possible definitions. Then, I decided this word would be a good candidate for that dictionary game where everyone makes up a possible meaning, except for one person who gives the actual definition. So which of these is the true meaning of galactagogue?

'blue ribbon pumpkin' photo (c) 2007, rachaelvoorhees - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/A. a substance that promotes lactation in humans and other animals. Asparagus is supposed to be a galactagogue.

B. the dictatorial ruler of a galaxy or galactic empire. The galactagogue in The Empire Strikes Back is the Emperor Palpatine.

C. a large and elaborate celebration; a gala. They planned a galactagogue for the heir’s twenty-first birthday.

D. a non-living statue or wooden figure that comes to life. Pinocchio was a galactagogue.

So, which one is it, folks? The first one to answer correctly gets a virtual blue ribbon for Word Wizard of the Day.

1913: Books and Literature

In 1913, the following significant works were published or were new and popular:

O Pioneers! by Willa Cather. I remember a long time ago reading this novel about a pioneer woman who struggles to hold onto the family’s land. I think it would be a good one to revisit, however, since I remember very little of the plot or characters.

Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The story of the jungle hero, Tarzan, has been filmed many times. The most fammous Tarzan movie was Tarzan the Ape Man (1932), starring Johnny Weissmuller, who went on to star in eleven other Tarzan films.

Sons and Lovers by D.H.Lawrence. I’ve never read anything by Lawrence, but this book sounds very Freudian and not very pleasant or edifying.

Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter. Pollyanna, on the other hand, is a little too edifying. However, each to his own, the book inspired eleven sequels and numerous movie adaptations.

Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw. This play provides the source material for the musical My Fair Lady, although the musical departs from Shaw’s script in several areas, especially the ending.

Principia Mathematica by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell. This three-volume work on the principles and origins of mathematics “is an attempt to derive all mathematical truths from a well-defined set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic.” (Wikipedia) Ummmmmmmm. . . . yeah.
Bertrand Russell: “A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”

A Boy’s Will by Robert Frost. Frost’s first book of poetry was published while the American poet was living in Great Britain. My 20th century history and literature students will be reading Frost all year long, two or three poems a week. I think there is some value in immersing oneself in the poetry or art or music of one artist for a long period of time, and Frost is a good choice. I’m looking forward to exploring his poetry at a leisurely pace with my students.

1913: Arts and Entertainment

May 30, 1913. Russian composer Igor Stravinsky’s new ballet, The Rite of Spring (Le sacre du printemps), premiered in Paris and caused a near-riot. The French audience booed Stravinsky’s dissonant and rhythmically complex music and Njinsky’s provocative and non-traditional choreography. The story is that there were fist fights in the aisles, and some concertgoers stormed out in disgust.

Then, in 1940 Disney’s Fantasia made the piece about, not primitive pagan rituals of spring, but rather the primitive pagan story of Evolution. It fits.

Also in 1913, silent film comedians Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle and Charlie Chaplin made their U.S. film debuts. Arbuckle was in two of the new Keystone Kops comedies, and Chaplin starred in a film called Making a Living.

On a much more somber note, Woyzeck is a stage play written by Georg Büchner which premiered in Munich in 1913. Oddly enough, Drama Daughter just told me that she is playing the female lead in this influential German play in a production this fall. She also says the play is sad and depressing.

1913: Events and Inventions

January 8, 1913. Dalai Lama Thubten Gyatso declares Tibet independent from China. He has returned to Tibet from India following three years of exile.

January 31, 1913. Turkish revolutionaries, the Young Turks, overthrow the Ottoman government. Balkan peace negotiations are put in jeopardy.

February 23, 1913. Mexican President Madero is deposed and killed. General Victoriano Huerta takes over as president.

'Zipper' photo (c) 2007, Stella Dauer - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/April, 1913. Swedish inventor Gideon Sundback patents a new fastener, the zipper.

May 30, 1913. End of the First Balkan War. Turkey and the members of the Balkan League sign a peace treaty agreeing to recognize a new country, Albania, in territory that once belonged to the Ottoman Empire and to divide the territory of Macedonia between Serbia and Bulgaria.

June 30, 1913. The Second Balkan War begins. Bulgaria attacks Greece and Serbia. Montenegro and Rumania will help the Greeks against the Bulgarians and Serbians.

August 10, 1913. Peace is agreed to in the Balkans, ending the Second Balkan War. All nations will withdraw to their pre-war borders, and Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland will establish frontier lines to keep the peace. Bulgaria must disperse its troops and give up most of its newly gained lands.

September 21, 1913. As the British Parliament passes the Third Irish Home Rule Bill, Dublin, Ireland is filled with strikers demanding Home Rule now (an independent, self-governing Ireland). Protestant Unionists in the north who oppose Home Rule begin to recruit their own army to keep Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom.

October 7, 1913. Henry Ford establishes the assembly line at his automobile plant to make cars more quickly and efficiently.

'panama canal' photo (c) 2005, dsasso - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

October 10, 1913. The Panama Canal opens.

November, 1913. Pancho Villa and his Villistas try to take over the government of Mexico. Some Americans, including writer Ambrose Bierce, come to join Pancho Villa’s revolutionaries. Some quotations form Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary. Bierce went missing, presumed killed, in December, 1913 while he was supposedly with Villa’s army, and neither he nor his body was ever found.