Ruby Lu, Star of the Show by Lenore Look

Cybils nominee: Early chapter books. Nominated by Jeff Barger at NC Teacher Stuff.

I always think of Ramona and Her Father by Beverly Cleary when I think of a dad-loses-his-job kind of book for primary age children. Ruby Lu, Star of the Show is a new entry in that particular category, for 21st century hard times, and it lives up to the high standard set by Ms. Cleary’s books of the 1970’s variety.

Ruby Lu is in third grade, and she’s a pistol. Whether she’s writing haiku (about her dog, Elvis) or worrying about Elvis being lonely at home or helping her dad in his job-hunting efforts, Ruby Lu is a star—a Chinese American, Spanish-learning, Haiku Heroine, dog training, hair cutting, hard working, list making, washing machine wearing, self-sacrificing center of attention and activity. Lenore Look has another (Alvin Ho is my hero!) winning character in Ruby Lu.

Here’s a Ruby Lu exclusive list on How to Survive Hard Times:

    How to Survive Hard Times

1. Go to the library.
2. Check out books on dog training.
3. Do it yourself.
4. Start a business.
5. Sell something!
6. Make some money.
7. Scan some twenty-dollar bills.
8. Cut carefully.
9. Think positively.
10. Look alive.
11. Keep your head up.
12. Eat chocolate cake.
13. Listen to happy music.

I think #12 in particular is a great piece of advice for any times, although I take my chocolate straight, no chaser.

I tried to find some other parent unemployed books to recommend along with this one, but Ramona and Her Father plus books set during the Great Depression (Meet Kit An American Girl by Valerie Tripp, Blue Willow by Doris Gates, Nothing to Fear by Jackie French Koller) were all that I could come up with. Suggestions, anyone?

Unplanned by Abby Johnson

Unplanned: The dramatic true story of a former Planned Parenthood leader’s eye-opening journey across the life line by Abby Johnson with Cindy Lambert.

Abby Johnson was the director of the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas (home of Texas A&M and the Texas Aggies). She was committed to her work with Planned Parenthood because she truly believed that the services they provided helped women in crisis and had the long-term effect of making abortion less common by decreasing the incidence of unwanted pregnancies. She was idealistic, hard-working, and somewhat naive.

Then, in September 2009, Abby was called into an exam room at the Planned Prenthood clinic to help with an ultrasound-guided abortion. What she saw in the ultrasound picture changed her mind about abortion, about the pro-life movement, and ultimately about her own relationship with a loving God who loves Abby Johnson and the women who have abortions and the children who die in abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood every day.

One of the main things I got out of this book was not a change in my opinions about abortion; I know what I believe about the value of every human life. But I was so impressed by the loving persistence of the pro-life volunteers who loved and prayed for Abby Johnson for years before she finally saw the truth. I am so impatient. I have friends and family members who need to see God, who need to trust Jesus Christ, who need, and I have been praying for them and doing my best to love them as Christ loves me. But I am tired sometimes and discouraged. Will my loved ones ever see their needs and turn to a loving Saviour? How long, O Lord?

It took eight years for Abby Johnson to see the ugliness and greed behind her work at Planned Parenthood. Eight years. I have people I’ve been praying for only half that long, and it already feels like a lifetime. So, I learned from reading this book, something I already know: I can’t give up. Persistence, faith, love, and hope are gifts from the Holy Spirit indeed.

I am also moved to pray for Abby Johnson, whenever I think about her. It can’t be easy to have your life turned upside down, even when it’s God who does the turning.

My story is not neat and tidy, and it doesn’t come wrapped in easy answers. Oh, how we love to vilify our opponents—from both sides. How easy to assume that those on “our” side are right and wise and good; how those on “their” side are treacherous and foolish and deceptive. I have found right and good and wisdom on both sides. I have found foolishness and treachery and deception on both sides as well. I have experienced how good intentions can be warped into poor choices no matter what the side.

Don’t slam this book shut because of what I’ve just said. Read it for that very reason. Read it to understand the surprising hopes and motivations on the “other” side.~ Abby Johnson

Zapato Power: Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue by Jacqueline Jules

Cybils nominee: Early Chapter Books. Nominated by the HappyNappy Bookseller.

Freddie Ramos looks like an average kid, but he’s actually a superhero with ZAPATO POWER that comes from his wristband controller and the special purple sneakers that he wears every day.

Zoom! Zoom! Zapato!

With that mantra and a press of the flashing button on his wristband, Freddie can “zoom out of the classroom in a cloud of smoke.” And then he’s off to do what superheroes do: save the school from a purple squirrel–or maybe save the squirrel from an angry principal?

If I were a school librarian (as I once was in another life), especially if I had Hispanic students in my school, but even if I didn’t, I’d snap up the books in this series for the easy reader shelf. I haven’t seen the first two books in the series, Freddie Ramos Takes Off and Freddie Ramos Springs into Action, but I’m guessing they’re as fun as this third one. First grade boys and girls should fall in love with Freddie. The book contains a very few Spanish words and phrases, which is a plus.

Freddie is a delight, and a really good superhero, too. He’s out to save the world, but he’s also a realist.

“Superheroes are supposed to work in secret. That’s why so many of them have masks. I didn’t have a mask, so I had to talk as fast as I could run. . . The principal marched me back to Mrs. Lane and told her to keep an eye on me. Secret superheroes don’t get much credit.”

I wish I had Zapato Power, even if I did have to keep it secret.

*This book is nominated for a Cybils Award, and I am a judge for the first round thereof. However, no one paid me any money, and nobody knows which books will get to be finalists or which ones will get the awards. In other words, this review reflects my opinion and Z-baby’s and nothing else.

1932: Events and Inventions

March 1, 1932. Charles and Ann Lindbergh’s young son, Charles Jr., is discovered missing from his crib in the family home. Ten weeks after his abduction, Charles Jr. is found dead just a few miles from the Lindberghs’ home. Bruno Richard Hauptmann, who will be tried, convicted, and executed for the crime, proclaims his innocence to the end.

'Last Emperor of China' photo (c) 2010, tonynetone - license: 1, 1932. Japan proclaims Manchuria an independent state called Manchukuo and installs Manchu (Chinese) Emperor Puyi as puppet emperor. (Without the minerals and food supply obtained from their occupation of Manchuria, the Japanese probably could not have carried out their plan for conquest over Southeast Asia or taken the risk to attack Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December, 1941.)

May 16, 1932. Massive riots between Hindus and Muslims in Bombay leave thousands dead and injured.

May 20-21, 1932. U.S. aviator Amelia Earhardt becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

May 29, 1932. The first of approximately 15,000 World War I veterans arrive in Washington, D.C. demanding the immediate payment of their military bonus, becoming known as the Bonus Army. On July 28, U.S. Attorney General William D. Mitchell orders the veterans removed from all government property. Washington police meet with resistance, shots are fired and two veterans are wounded and later die. President Herbert Hoover then orders the army to clear the veterans’ campsite. Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur commands the infantry and cavalry supported by six tanks. The Bonus Army marchers with their wives and children are driven out, and their shelters and belongings burned.

June 15, 1932. War breaks out between the South American countries of Bolivia and Paraguay over control of the Gran Chaco, a forested plain between the two countries. Paraguay needs the resources from the Gran Chaco, grazing land and hardwood from the forests, and landlocked Bolivia needs access to the Gran Chaco in order to trade overseas. The war will last until 1935 and will be the bloodiest military conflict fought in South America in the twentieth century.

September 20, 1932. Mohandas Gandhi begins a six-day hunger strike in Poona prison. This fast was the start of a new campaign by Gandhi to improve the lives of the untouchables (Dalit), whom he named Harijans, the children of God.

November 8, 1932. Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president of the United States. He promises to end the Great Depression with his “New Deal”, and he further promises that when he is president, “No American will starve.”

In 1932, unemployment in the US reaches between 25-33%—about 14 million people unemployed. A similar level of unemployment now affects Germany. The economic depression has spread worldwide.

1931: Arts and Entertainment

In film, it is the Year of Horror. (Coincidentally, I am posting this on Halloween, 2011.)

In February, Hungarian-born actor Bela Lugosi stars as the vampire in the U.S. film, Dracula.

Frederic March wins an Academy Award for his portrayal of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:

And in November James Whale’s Frankenstein stars Boris Karloff as the monster from Dr. Frankenstein’s laboratory.

Public Enemy with James Cagney, also released in 1931, presents another kind of horror. Cagney stars as gangster Tom Powers.

Happy Halloween from 1931!

1931: Books and Literature

Pulitzer Prize for Poetry: Robert Frost: Collected Poems

Newbery Award: The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth (Macmillan)

The Story of Babar by Jean and Cecile de Brunhoff is an instant best-seller in Europe.

'babar and celeste' photo (c) 2011, Vanessa - license:

Also published in 1931:
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. Also an instant bestseller. Ms. Buck became famous for her novels of ancient and contemporary China.

Joy of Cooking by Irma Rombauer. I have a copy of this classic that I got as a wedding present, and I have consulted it from time to time. The cookbook’s greatest strength is that it has recipes for almost any dish that one would think of cooking. It was first privately published in 1931 by Irma S. Rombauer, a homemaker in St. Louis, Missouri, who was struggling emotionally and financially after her husband’s suicide the previous year. In 1936, a commercial publisher, Bobbs-Merrill, picked up the book.
The 1936 introduction to Joy of Cooking:

“Although I have been modernized by life and my children, my roots are Victorian. This book reflects my life. It was once merely a private record of what the family wanted, of what friends recommended and of dishes made familiar by foreign travel and given an acceptable Americanization. In the course of time there have been added to the rather weighty stand-bye of my youth the ever-increasing lighter culinary touches of the day. So the record, which to begin with was a collection such as every kitchen-minded woman possesses, has grown in breadth and bulk until it now covers a wide range.”

1931: Events and Inventions

March 3, 1931. The bill designating The Star Spangled Banner as the United States’ national anthem is passed by Congress and signed into law by President Hoover on this date. Read Peter Spier’s The Star Spangled Banner, not just for the history, but also for the pictures.

April 14, 1931. King Alfonso XIII of Spain abdicates the throne, and Spain declares itself a republic after Republicans win in a general election called after the resignation last year of military dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera.

May 1931. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin announces his second Five Year Plan for the collectivization of Soviet farming and the industrialization of the country.

May 11, 1931. The Creditanstalt, Austria’s largest bank, goes bankrupt, beginning the banking collapse in Central Europe that causes a worldwide financial meltdown. In June, German Chancellor Dr. Heinrich Brüning visits London, where he warns the British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald that the collapse of the Austrian banking system, caused by the bankruptcy of the Creditanstalt, has left the entire German banking system on the verge of collapse.

July, 1931. The Benguella-Katanga, the first trans-African railroad, opens in southern Africa. the railroad links the Atlantic port of Lobito in Angola with the copper mines of Katanga in Belgian Congo. More about the railway and its history.

August 31, 1931. The Yangtze River floods, leaving 23 million people homeless.

September 18, 1931. The Japanese invade Manchuria in northern China.

October 17, 1931. Al “Scarface” Capone, Chicago gangster, is jailed for income tax fraud. The 28 year old FBI agent who leads the investigation of Capone, Elliot Ness, becomes a hero. His team of law enforcement agents is known as “The Untouchables” for their bravery and honesty in corrupt Chicago.

'Mao Zedong' photo (c) 2009, Richard Fisher - license:, 1931. Mao Zedong and his communist associates, with the help of the Soviet Union, declare a Chinese Soviet Republic in north-central China. The majority of China is still under the control of the nationalist Chinese government (Kuomintang) of General Chiang Kai-shek.

December 11, 1931. The British Parliament enacts the Statute of Westminster, which establishes a status of legislative equality between the self-governing dominions of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of Canada, the Irish Free State, Newfoundland, the Dominion of New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa. India still has not been given dominion or commonwealth status.

1930: Art and Entertainment

Grant Wood’s painting American Gothic is exhibited for the first time at The Art Institute of Chicago and awarded a prize of 300 dollars. The painting may be the most recognizable American painting ever produced.

'American Gothic' photo (c) 2007, Mark Heard - license:

Listen to an NPR story on the history of the painting, American Gothic:

Hit songs of 1930:

I Got Rhythm by George Gershwin, lyrics by Ira Gershwin.

Body and Soul lyrics by Edward Heyman, Robert Sour and Frank Eyton; and music by Johnny Green.

Georgia on my Mind by Hoagy Carmichael (music) and Stuart Gorrell (lyrics). The song was first recorded on September 15, 1930 in New York by Hoagy Carmichael and His Orchestra with Bix Beiderbecke on muted cornet and Hoagy Carmichael on vocals.

Here’s an old film of Gershwin playing I Got Rhythm:

1930: Events and Inventions

January 5, 1930. Russian leader Joseph Stalin declares that all farmland in the Soviet Union will henceforth be “collectively owned” by the people. Russian peasant farmers will now be expected to work on huge state-owned collective farms instead of framing their own small plots of land.

February, 1930. In Spain, General Primero de Rivera resigns his military dictatorship. Riots and labor strikes ensue as the government is in disarray.

February 18, 1930. U.S. astronomer Clyde Tombaugh spots a new planet in our solar system and names it Pluto after the Roman god of the underworld. For more information about the life and history of the planet/non-planet Pluto, see Neil deGrasse Tyson’s book, The Pluto Files. Reviewed here by S. Krishna. Reviewed by Carrie at Five Minutes for Books.

February 26, 1930. New York City installs traffic lights at Manhattan intersections. The traffic light was developed by black businessman Garrett A. Morgan, who also invented the gas mask.

April 6, 1930. Mahatma Gandhi reaches the coast after a 240-mile protest march across India. There he breaks British laws by making salt in a protest against the British salt tax, a tax that Gandhi has chosen as the first target of satyagraha, his program of non-violent protest and civil disobedience. Read more at Wikipedia about the Salt March.

April 24, 1930. Amy Johnson arrives in Darwin, Australia, the first woman to fly solo from Britain to Australia. The 10,000 mile flight took the aviator nineteen days in her aircraft called Gipsy Moth.

September 14, 1930. National Socialists (Nazis) win 107 seats in the German Parliament (18.3% of all the votes), making them the second largest party in Germany.

October, 1930. Dr. Gertulio Vargas takes power in Brazil after a revolt topples the President-elect, Dr. Julio Prestes and his party which has ruled Brazil for the past forty years.

December, 1930. Dr. Karl Landsteiner wins the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work in identifying the major blood types: A, B, AB, and O.

'Chocolate Chip Cookies Cooling' photo (c) 2009, Kari Sullivan - license:

Sometime in 1930: The chocolate chip cookie is accidentally invented by Ruth Wakefield of Whitman, Massachusetts. “Wakefield is said to have been making chocolate cookies and on running out of regular baker’s chocolate, substituted broken pieces of semi-sweet chocolate from Nestlé thinking that they would melt and mix into the batter. They did not and the chocolate chip cookie was born.”

Fabulous Fashions of the 1920’s by Felicia Lowenstein Niven

This book is one in a series of books called Fabulous Fashions of the Decades, published by Enslow Publishers. I found it on the “new books” shelf at my library in the children’s section, and thought I’d give it a try as a part of my ongoing twentieth century history studies this year.

The book includes lots of good information and photographs, and I learned a few things. I already knew about bobbed haircuts and cloche hats and flapper beads and raccoon coats. But I never connected “bobby pins” with bobbed hair.

“The bobby pin was invented to keep bobbed hair looking neat.”

'Louise Brooks (1906-1985)' photo (c) 1929, Michael Donovan - license: did you know that one actress in particular was famous for her “Dutch boy” haircut?

“Actress Louise Brooks was famous for her Dutch boy haircut.”

It also never occurred to me to connect the silky, Egyptian tunic-like fashions of the twenties with the discovery of King Tut’s tomb in 1922.

“People became fascinated with all things Egyptian. There were clothes and shoes with heiroglyphics. Women wore Cleopatra earrings, snake bracelets, and scarab-shaped jewelry.”

There’s a bibliography in the back of the book for the purpose of more research, and there are addresses in the back of the book for a couple of websites where readers can see more fashions of the twenties:

Fashion-Era, Flapper Fashion 1920’s, Women’s Fashions 1920s

This book, and others in the series, provide a good introduction to fashion history in the twentieth century.

This post is linked to Nonfiction Monday, hosted this week at Jean Little Library.