Wow! LOST becomes Island of the Zombies.
So, to start toward the beginning, this episode is called What Kate Does. In an episode in season two of LOST called What Kate Did, we found out that Kate blew up her biological father, Wayne, and that she has a step-father named Sam Austen. On the island in this episode, Kate kisses Jack, runs away from him, and then has a heart-to-heart conversation with Sawyer who is recovering from being sick and infected and whatever else he was when he trekked halfway across the island with Ana Lucia and her crew.
I’m assuming this episode has something to do with that one, but other than Kate still running, chasing Sawyer, and generally being a fruitcake, I don’t know what. Kate and Claire are bonding in the No Crash World in spite of Kate’s having taken Claire hostage and scared the heck out of her. Claire even lies for Kate and gives Kate her credit card. Is Claire the world’s biggest sucker or what? (Maybe Sawyer should try a con on Claire, except Claire has no money —and now no credit card either.) Oh, and Kate also tells Claire that she’s “innocent”, and Claire believes that, too.
At least, we’re fairly sure that Kate is Kate. What Kate does is run away. Kate is The Fugitive. So since she’s still running, she’s still Kate. But who is Sayid? Is he still Sayid, or has he been “claimed”? Hurley asks Sayid if he’s a zombie, and Sayid says no. But this episode is all about trust, and can we trust the resurrected Sayid? Then, again, can we trust Temple Master Dogen? He says the pill that Jack is supposed to give Sayid is “medicine”; then, it turns out that it’s really poison. If they wanted to kill Sayid, why didn’t they do it while he was on the torture table? If they want to cure him, why use Jack to be the go-between?
How many times tonight did someone tell someone else that everything would be explained? Dogen said that they would answer all the Losties’ questions as soon as they talked to Sayid. But they didn’t. The show’s masterminds told us again at the beginning of the show and at the end that this was the last season when all questions would be answered. Then, at the end in the sneak peeks at next week, Fake Locke tells someone (I can’t remember) that he will explain everything. I think they’re teasing us. To paraphrase Hurley, whenever we go away and allow private conversations (among the writers), we end up doing something we don’t understand.
I am glad that Hurley’s back. “We’ll just wait outside in the Food Court.”
Miles: “As you can see, Hurley’s taken on the leadership position.”
Hurley is my hero, and Miles makes a good sidekick.
Next week’s episode is called The Substitute. Who do you think will be substituting for whom and doing what?
Miles was the one who said the line about the food court.
I think this was showing that certain things would have happened in any time mine — i.e., Claire keeping the baby she had planned to give away, Kate helping her, Ethan being involved. I think this is part of Locke’s ongoing back-and-forth between “destiny” and free will.
I am hoping for more answers, too. It is so strange that the “Others” of any era expect people to obey them and do weird things with no explanation or reason.
I am wondering about the “Other” who was after Claire and said he was a guard she butted with a rifle. How and when did he get there? And he said Rousseau had been dead for years when it hadn’t been that long in whatever the original time line was – makes me wonder what time line they are in now?
I think, and I’m not sure about this, that it’s been three years since Rousseau died.
I totally thought Kate was going to deliver Aaron again, and I suspect that’s what they were hoping we’d think.
I too feel like we are being teased quite a bit. Loved the food court comment and I agree that Claire is a huge sucker. no wonder she is infected.