Friday Blogamundi

Fulla, the Muslim Barbie doll? It comes complete with hijab and prayer rug.

High School student Karen Kovaka blogs at Rhetorical Response, and the interesting thing for me is that she seems to be reading from MY British Literature class syllabus. She just finished discussing Canterbury Tales and Sir Gawain, and now she’s on to Elizabethan poetry. I just discussed Elizabethan poetry with my students this morning, and we’re going to spend the week reading Macbeth. I got the tip on Karen’s blog from another great “teen blog,” The Rebelution by homeschooled twins Alex and Brett Harris. Whoa, I’m slow. I just figured out that Alex and Brett are related to Joshua Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye) and Gregg Harris (homeschooling pioneer).

Doug at Stones Cry Out on polygamy in the Netherlands. Yes, it seems that for all practical purposes polygamy is already in fact legal and condoned in the Netherlands, on the the first countries in the world to give full “marriage rights” to homosexuals. If two men or two women can call their relationship “marriage,” why not one man and two women? Or three? Or five?

In which I find out that “counting” is the newest litblog fad. I don’t have time right now (too busy cataloging), but maybe someday.

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