Refugees Return

I woke up this morning and read the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. There I was informed that Governor Rick Perry had announced an evacuation return plan for going back to Houston in stages to avoid the traffic jams that occured on the way out. Unfortunately, nowhere in that newspaper did I find a story that told what the evacuation plan was, who was supposed to return when. I did, however, read about how no one is following the plan anyway. Could that be not only because Texans are independent and tend to want to make up their own minds about these things (which is true), but also because the major newspaper in the Fort Worth/Dallas area didn’t even bother to print the plan? I finally found Gov. Perry’s plan here.

NOTE: I cannot verify that the Star-Telegram does not have the evacuation return plan available somewhere at its website because registration is required to access the website, and I won’t register. However, I searched my Sunday paper fairly thoroughly before leaving for church this morning, and I don’t believe it was there.

According to the WSJ, we’re not supposed to go back until Tuesday. I’m mostly concerned about having gasoline available along the way. I just heard a rumor that gasoline supplies are low to nonexistent as far away as Brownwood in west/central Texas. We’ll see . . .

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One thought on “Refugees Return

  1. Make sure and let me know how it goes! I’m thinking of staying in a hotel (now that some are clearing out) booked on Orbitz for a whopping 7$ less than the regular price… until at least next weekend. I don’t want to have a repeat experience of last Thursday! Still having tail-light nightmares!

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