Homeschoolers Offer Relief

From the HSLDA E-lert Service…

Dear friend of homeschooling,

One bright spot revealed by Hurricane Katrina is that homeschoolers
are some of the most generous people around. HSLDA’s office has been
inundated with offers of assistance. We’ve also heard from many with

The Home School Foundation is already helping to replace curriculum.
But one of the greatest needs that we’re hearing about is housing.

If your family would be interested in providing temporary housing to
another homeschooling family displaced by Hurricane Katrina, HSLDA is
willing to match your family with a family who needs a place to stay.

To make an offer of housing, please provide us with the basic
information requested below. Email it to

Please be assured that we will keep your contact information
confidential. When we learn of a family that needs help, we will
contact you with their contact information (phone number or email
address) and you can contact the family to determine if they are the
right match for your family.

City, State, Zip:
Phone #:
Limitations: (e.g., two months max, only want boys, teenagers only,
can take up to 4 people)
Provide transportation to your home: (e.g., bus tickets, frequent
flyer miles, will pick up)
Any special facilities: (e.g., handicapped access, room for pets)
Other offers of help: (e.g., can provide job, have curriculum for 3rd
grader, car available)

Thank you for being a part of the extended homeschooling family.
Please join us in continuing to pray for these hurting familes.


J. Michael Smith

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