Friday Blogamundi

Annie Crawford on Downward Mobility. Having children, spending my days serving children in humbling ways, loving the tiny vulnerable ones of this world, these things have taught me far more about God and brought me closer to his heart than any degree full of classes and theses could have. I must have been very proud, for merely learning to whole heartedly love my husband and children has left me feeling very vulnerable and meek.

Will Duquette reviews In This House of Brede by Rumer Godden. He also talks about the difference between a “romance” and a “novel proper,” a distinction with which I was not very familiar. Helpful stuff, I’ll have to think about it and get back to you. Oh, I read In This House of Brede a very long time ago, but I think I’ll have to add it to the list to re-read.

Hello, My Name Is Blog is Scott Ginsberg’s blog. Scott is “a professional speaker, the world’s foremost field expert on nametags and the author of two books including HELLO my name is Scott and The Power of Approachability. He has worn a nametag all day, every day since November 2, 2000 to encourage people to become more approachable – and will never take it off. Ever.” What a great idea. Maybe I’ll try it. The smiling at people idea that I got from Adrian Warnock isn’t working so well. Mostly I forget. If I remember, the smiled-at-person and I play chicken; who will avert their eyes first? Eye contact between strangers seems to be very threatening–even here in friendly Texas. Maybe a nametag would work better.

On a more serious note, Hurricane Katrina Updates:
Help for homeschoolers who are victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Jerri Massi on NO pastor Don Elbourne
Survival of New Orleans blog by Interdictor (Michael Barnett) who is in New Orleans still.
Eddie Exposito, a pastor from Slidell, LA is blogging-in-exile from Natchez, Mississippi.
Jollyblogger shares PCA updates on Katrina relief.
Hurricane Katrina links and info from Houston Public Library.

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