Hannah Im is an American living in South Korea. She’s a young mom and a student and a Christian and an intersting blogger. She also blogs at Intellectuelle, a group blog for Christian women who love God with their minds.
Catez at AllThings2All is already well- known in the blogosphere. She did some amazing work during the Terri Schiavo fiasco, and she’s hostessing a Spotlight on Darfur to which you can contribute a post if you wish. Catez blogs from New Zealand.
IreneQ at Unravelled will be blogging in Malay today because in addition to being Blog Day, it’s also Independence Day in Malaysia where she lives. Never fear, she usually blogs in English and shares very honestly and transparently about her struggles and joys as a single Christian young woman.
Fiona Pinto is a new blogger from UK who so far is writing mostly about pro-life issues. She has a degree in bioethics and has been active for the past five years in pro-life activities in the UK.
Finally, there’s Ashley at The Lion Rampant. She’s another American living abroad, this time in Scotland. Ashley and her husband are students, and they write a good blog–when they’re not travelling all over Europe.
Hey thanks Sherry! I’m honoured to be in such good company. You are kind to do this.