Picture Book Preschool is a preschool/kindergarten curriculum which consists of a list of picture books to read aloud for each week of the year and a character trait, a memory verse, and activities, all tied to the theme for the week. You can purchase a downloadable version (pdf file) of Picture Book Preschool by Sherry Early at Biblioguides.
Character Trait: Meekness
Bible Verse: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5
1. Isadora, Rachel. City Seen from A to Z. Greenwillow, 1983.
2. Burton, Virginia Lee. The Little House. HoughtonMifflin, 1942.
3. Tresselt, Alvin. Wake Up, City. Lothrop Lee, 1957, 1990.
4. Keats, Ezra Jack. Whistle for Willie. Viking, 1964.
5. Munro, Roxie. The Inside-Outside Book of New York City. Dodd, 1985. OP
6. Lenski, Lois. Sing A Song of People. Little Brown, 1985, 1987.
7. Ransom, Candice. The Big Green Pocketbook. HarperCollins, 1993.
Activities : Take a bus ride in the city. Talk about all the things you see. When you get home, you may want to write a story about your experience.