Poetry Friday: Books

Book Tower
My Books by Francis Bennoch
I love my books as drinkers love their wine;
The more I drink, the more they seem divine;
With joy elate my soul in love runs o’er,
And each fresh draught is sweeter than before.
Books bring me friends where’er on earth I be, –
Solace of solitude, – bonds of society!

I love my books! they are companions dear,
Sterling in worth, in friendship most sincere;
Here talk I with the wise in ages gone,
And with the nobly gifted of our own.
If love, joy, laughter, sorrow please my mind,
Love, joy, grief, laughter in my books I find.

Old English Song:
OH for a booke and a shadie nook
Either in-doors or out ;
With the grene leaves whisp’ring overhead,
Or the streete cryes all about,
Where I may reade all at my ease,
Both of the new and olde ;
For a jollie goode booke whereon to looke,
Is better to me than golde.

3 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Books

  1. I love the “Oh for a booke” verse.I used to have it in an anthology which I seem to have lost.Could you tell me where you found it,in the hope that you might know the same anthology?

  2. Pingback: Poetry Friday Right Here!

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