Heroes or Wimps?

Tony Blankley: “What shall we call these 14 senators? Trustees, Regents, Governing Board Members, Blessed Ones, Lord Protectors, Proconsuls, Oligarchs, Cabalists, Conspirators, Usurpers? For the moment it doesn’t matter. History will give them their final designation. Certainly they see themselves as saviors of the Senate traditions.”

Peggy Noonan: “Back to the senators. Why did they put on that performance the other day? Yes, it was sheer exuberant egotism; it was the excitement of the TV lights; it was their sly conviction that if they laud themselves they will be appearing to laud the institution; and it was, no doubt, the counsel of their advisers that in the magic medium of television, if you declare you are a “hero” often enough people will come to associate the word “hero” with you. Advisers, you must stop telling them this. Please.”

Cal Thomas: “Why are Republicans afraid to use power? The excuse that they haven’t had it that long is no longer valid. They’ve held power in Congress for a decade and now have united government. It must be a character flaw. They prefer the praise of liberals to the affirmation of their conscience.”

Thomas Sowell: “The Senate Democrats hung tough and the Republicans wimped out. The Republicans had the votes but they didn’t have the guts.”