Spy List by Spyriam aka Brown Bear Daughter (age 10)
1. A good spy never sulks.
2. A good spy never worries.
3. A good spy never panics.
4. A good spy is never desperate.
5. A good spy puts himself in the mind of his opponent.
6. A good spy never has to go to the bathroom in the middle of a mission.
7. A good spy reads all she can.
8. A good spy blends in; always wear black.
9. A good spy explores everything.
10. A good spy always completes his mission.
11. A good spy follows orders exactly.
12. A good spy is always ready.
13. A good spy is always prepared.
14. A good spy always has all the equipment he needs.
15. A good spy takes good care of his gear (never steps on his glasses).
16. A good spy is always sneaky.
17. Spies wear cool hats.
18. Spies are always serious besides when duty calls that they should be funny.
19. Spies do not think about the past; it distracts from the now.
20. Spies are always careful not to reveal their identity except to people they can trust.
SpyMom says that, except for #16, these sound like good rules for anyone. Even #16 can come in handy sometimes.
May is Get Caught Reading Month. Who will be next?
Are the shoes to go with different disguises?
I spy a set of Francis Schaeffer books and a set of My Bookhouse. The rest of those spines defy my detective skills.
Brown Bear is very cute.
Broadman commentaries and Matthew Henry commentaries, art books on the bottom shelf that’s shown. Book of Life by Zondervan (not My Bookhouse). We also have an old black and white edition of Book of Life that Engineer Husband remembers his mother reading to him when he was little.