I’m more and more pleased by Senator McCain’s pick for vice-president. I thought I’d share a few links with those of you who are interested.
Mildy Humorous: Time magazine has this piece, Mayor Palin: A Rough Record, in which the author tries to straddle the fence and make Mayor Palin sound like a “scary Chirstian conservative” to those who are scared of Christian conservatives, and then turn around and make her sound like a traditional, unprincipled politician to those who are inclined to support her. It makes for a rather schizophrenic point of view.
Allen Thornburgh at The Point: Team Palin Just Keeps Soldiering On. He thinks it odd, as do I, that the left seems to think that the fact that Sarah Palin actually has a daughter who is sinful like the rest of us —and who’s taking responsibility for the consequences of her actions— is going to surprise evangelical and Catholic Christians. News flash: we mostly believe in original sin. It’s perfection that would surprise us, and a lack of repentance (on the part of the actual candidate for any mistakes she may have made) that would be a deal-breaker.
In a post that indirectly relates to and mentions Ms. Palin, Bookworm writes about Examining the unborn. I thought the part about the Jewish law in relation to abortion was especially interesting.
Douglas Wilson, a man that some of of you who run in reformed Christian circles will know, is reconsidering his decision not to vote for McCain this fall. He’s not on board with McCain/Palin yet, but he does have some good talking points, both pro and con.
Time Magazine again says McCain has raised over seven million dollars since the Palin nomination announcement. I think I’ll send in my token donation today.
My mother is a conservative Christian and she’s heartbroken over Palin’s daughter. She believes it shows Palin can’t do both well (mothering and public service) and needs to pick mothering first and foremost, especially with three younger children, one with special needs. It didn’t surprise her, but it saddened her.
I’m unsure how to respond to her concerns.
I agree with her mother
We need to maintain a separation of Church and State. Our wonderful country is based on this principle separation. We do not want the pope or any clergy person to be president of the United States of America. Even though we are one nation under God, we need to understand that God is based on one’s religion view. Jews see God different than Christians, and also we have folks that do not need God in their lives (Agnostics). This is referred to as religious freedom. I can worhship God the way I feel confortable with (silently) and you can worship him the way you want to (speaking in tongues). Who is to say your way is better than mine, or that my God listens more to me and less to you?
There is the beauty of Religious freedom. We are free to decide.
There is a problem when the government wants to tell me how to practise religion. Again, let us keep them separate. However, folks think that their God wants them to run for public office and to tell others how to behave and what to think. Now I am not for forced religious beliefs. The founders of the great nation were persecuted for their beliefs. They had to flee their homes and leave their lands because of this persecution.
We do not need to get there and start persecuting anyone. You belief what you want and I will belief what I want. We want to be good neighbors. This is not Kosovo. Lets us not start any ethnic cleansing.
Thanks you and have a pleasant day.
I cannot believe she could be VP, and if McCain dies (and he is an old man) she could actually be President???OMG This is scary. Talk about lack of experience, please. This campaign is so unreal and so dirty it disgusts me. She is not qualified. People are just unbelievable. I am 68 and have been around for for many presidents, remember first when Truman took over. This is just out of sight.