Poetry and Fine Art Friday

“A poem is so brief. It’s not a practical thing like buying a loaf of bread. A poem is like a seed that can grow and enlarge in your mind. Poetry has become such an integral part of culture around the world. It’s one of the few things that is not pragmatic, perhaps, that speaks to the intuition and imagination, and it’s not linear. It takes a leap of understanding. It gives us a different dimension to our believing and our understanding.”
Luci Shaw in an interview with Washington Times reporter Jen Waters

I don’t know if this poem “takes a leap of understanding.” Brown Bear Daughter, age thirteen, wrote this poem after a trip to the beach.

Beach by M. Early

Toes in the sand

Staring up

Staring down

Sinking slowly

Sinking down

Looking over

Blue waves are white,

On fire by the moonlight

It’s an iridescent, glowing peace.

And this Edvard Munsch painting may not be exactly what Brown Bear was writing about, but it’s close . . . and beautiful.

Summer Night at the Beach

Summer Night at the Beach

Art Print

Munch, Edvard

Buy at AllPosters.com

4 thoughts on “Poetry and Fine Art Friday

  1. Your daughter’s poem is lovely. The last line resolves so beautifully! I live right near Lake Michigan, and this is just what it’s like on a calm night.

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