Here’s my list of the twelve best books I read in 2007.
And here, in case anyone is interested, is a list of the other 160 books that I read in 2007.
Total books read in 2007: 182, give or take a few.
I’m finishing up the year with a re-read of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. It’s an interesting change from all the Cybils children’s fiction nominees. Our announcement of the Cybils Middle Grade Fiction finalists should be posted at the Cybils blog sometime tomorrow. Thanks to all the people who worked with me on the nominating panel: Kate, Erin, Little Willow, Amanda, Kerry, and Jocelyn. It was great fun.
And good luck to the Judging panel:
Stacy Dillon (Booktopia)
Betsy Bird (A Fuse #8 Production)
Lindsey Dunn (Zee Says)
Christine Norris
Bruce Black (Wordswimmer)
Wow! I read about 40 and thought I was doing well!! I thought I was a read-a-holic!!
…wow, and I thought my list was long…
Thanks for the lucky wishes! I can’t wait to get down to it!