Summer Reading List: Karate Kid

Karate Kid is ten years old. He likes martial arts (Kuk Sool Won), swimming, knights, science, and video games. Here’s his reading list for the summer:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling.

The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. KK started this book, liked it very much, but lost the book. We need to get a copy from the library.

Henry Reed, Inc. by Keith Robertson.

A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park. Since KK is interested in Korea and since he liked Ms. Park’s book The Kite Fighters., I figured he’d like this one.

The Shakespeare Stealer by Gary Blackwood.

Shakespeare Stories by Leon Garfield.

Archimedes and the Door of Science by Joan Bendick.

Whales on Stilts by M.T. Anderson. KK also liked Anderson’s The Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen.

The Great Brain by John Dennis Fitzgerald. Hilarious adventures of an all-American boy.

Danny Dunn, Time Traveler by Jay Williams. Old, but maybe not too dated.

I, II and II John from the Bible.

Geometry for Every Kid by Janice Van Cleave. KK has plans to learn geometry this summer. He’s using Key Curriculum’s Key to Geometry.

Einstein Anderson Sees Through the Invisible Man by Seymour Simon. Encyclopedia Brown-like science puzzlers.

Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz.

The White Mountains by John Chrisopher. I still remember reading this scinece fiction/fantasy series when I was a kid, and I think KK would like it.

Math Curse by Jon Scieszka.

Time Warp Trio: Sam Samurai by Jon Scieszka. Karate Kid also likes all things Japanese, especially samurai and karate and anime.

Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. I thought a little poetry wouldn’t hurt too much —especially this collection of kid-friendly poems that is still just as popular today as it was when it flew off the sheves in my school library twenty years ago.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary.

Half Magic by Edward Eager. Knights. Magic. Adventure. Classic.

Summer Reading List: Middle School Daughter.

Summer Reading List: Summer After High School.

I have eight children, seven at home, so there are more summer reading lists coming up soon.

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