
A scary film about motivating the evangelizers.

A much more thoughtful post on evangelism: the when, the where, and the how by Dr. Mark DeVine.

My very favorite evangelistic blog post (I wish I had written it!): “. . . what I want to invite you to explore is what Christianity really is, which is, actually, to experience what it means to be really human, really alive, pain and grief and all that as it really is. The difference, and of course you can’t know this until you’ve been on both sides, is that following Jesus actually gives substance to grief and pain and all those other hurts.”

May your Sunday be filled with Good News that gives substance and meaning to whatever you are experiencing in your life today.

2 thoughts on “Evangelism?

  1. I cannot determine from what was written ,that i would find relief from hurt if I followed jesus or I would experience hurt etc if I followed him , which is it ?

  2. Both. If the pain has meaning then it can be transformed, but you still have to go through it. No follower of Christ ever escaped pain and suffering. Jesus said, “In this world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.”

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