Friday’s Center of the Blogosphere

Mindy Withrow interviews Andree Seu, my favorite WORLD magazine columnist.

St. Boniface and the celebration of advent. George Grant tells the story in his inimitable and inspirational manner. If you don’t have Mr. Grant’s blog on your blogroll or bloglines, you should.

Sallie is planning to Celebrate a Year of Abundance at A Gracious Home in 2007. I’d like to find the right way for me and my family to participate in this “spiritual discipline” (and I do think it is a spiritual discipline) this year, but I’ll have to give it some thought.

Menwhile, The Anchoress and her brother write about It’s a Wonderful Life: “And the final lesson is not really about the inherent goodness of man, despite the tinkling bells and tearful singing. It’s a stark post-war fable: no man is an island. For better or worse, life has consequences.”

Becky at Farm School led me to a 1946 Horn-Book article by Lois Lenski, “Christmas at Huckelberry Mountain Library.” It’s good reading for lovers of books and libraries.

4 thoughts on “Friday’s Center of the Blogosphere

  1. Hello Sherry

    I’m just visiting a number of the blogs on my blog roll to say Merry Christmas and thanks for all the great posts throughout the year.

    I know I don’t leave a lot of comments (I’ll try to work on that) but I do appreciate your posts and always keep up to date via Bloglines.

    I look forward to all your posts in 2007.

  2. Wow…what a cynical post about one of my familys favorite Christmas movies, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Why did you link to it?
    I see the movie in a totally different way, a MUCH more positive way. I see it as our lives having consequences that we never even realize. Our lives touch others more than we know. George Bailey is a very self-sacrificing man. Look how much he disregards his own dreams to be a responsible family man and citizen of Bedford Falls. He takes the blame for the missing money-he never mentions it was Uncle Billy’s fault.
    I could go on and on. It’s a wonderful movie full of good lessons. I just wanted to defend it here. I’d defend it over there but I don’t want to register to be able to post a comment.

  3. i didn’t think it was cynical–neither the movie nor the post. I don’t believe in the “inherent goodness of man” any more than I think Capra did. We all have the possibility of succumbing to despair, and thank goodness sometimes God uses an angel or another human being —or even a movie or a book—to rescue us from that despair.

    Yes, it’s a wonderful movie, but it may mean more than you think it means. George Bailey’s goodness isn’t enough; he still falls into a suicidal depression. Only grace is enough; our own goodness isn’t.

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