Pecans in France

A former Texan is growing pecans in Provence.

I wish him luck. As a pecan afficionado, I think pecans should be grown and sold around the world. However, they won’t grow up North where it’s too cold. This Aggie (Texas A & M) webpage says pecan trees are freeze-susceptible. I think that means a hard freeze is likely to kill your pecan tree. Pecans grow well in Texas, but in West Texas where I grew up you have to water your pecan tree if you want it to produce much fruit. It doesn’t freeze much in West Texas, but it also doesn’t rain.

You have to plant your pecan trees way in advance. Pecans don’t mature to the point of producing a good crop until about twenty years after they’re planted. So you can’t plant a tree in January and expect to have pecan pie for Christmas.

Pecans are being grown in Australia, Brazil, Israel, Mexico, Peru. and South Africa. Mexico is the only country in that list that produces a significant amount of pecans for sale.

So, tell us. Can you buy pecans in November where you live? How much do they cost?

One thought on “Pecans in France

  1. Just one thing…Where can I find pecans seeds ? I would prefer an american nursery or mexican one or whatever than a fgrench one…I alive in France and know by experience that they sell seeds from abroad but unaffordable (out of price. I look forward to hearing from you

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