LOST Rehash: Every Man for Himself, or Seeing Double

I’m late this week because I couldn’t get my LOST fix on Wednesday night. Events conspired to make that impossible. And what happens when Mama don’t get her fix? Mama had a bad day yesterday. I finally watched via computer at 11:00 p.m. last night. Then, I went over and read De-Thinkling’s live-blogging report and all the comments below.

A-a-a-h! Relief. I’m now ready to discuss the latest episode of the on-going soap opera that is LOST. As usual, if you have not gotten your fix, there are spoilers to follow. Be warned.

I’m going to go through the character list for this episode and say what there is to say.

1. Desmond. If I didn’t already have Engineer Husband . . . It’s the Scots accent and the nose. But, that aside, Desmond is definitely a prophet, and as someone noted over at Thinklings, perhaps a Christ-figure. He has the look, and the coming back naked from the blast reminded me of Gandalf. So we have Desmond-Elijah-Jesus-Gandalf. I don’t like the the idea of the “new” Lostie that Desmond borrowed the golf club from. I’m having enough trouble keeping the names and characters of the Others straight. And a guy who hits golf balls, of which there must be a somewhat limited supply, into the ocean?

2. Claire and Charlie. Claire and Charlie deserve each other, just like Sawyer and Kate deserve each other. C and C are kind of clueless but sweet and sometimes funny. Claire kind of wanders off, in her mind and with her eyes, with whichever guy pays the least bit of attention to her, but I think she’ll end up with Charlie when all is said and done.

3. Juliette and Jack. So, Jack is there to save someone’s life. Ben, most likely. Of course, being Jack, he’ll do it. If the Others had the least bit of understanding of human psychology, they would know that Jack is compulsive doctor-man, and all they had to do was ask. SO why all these psychological mind games? “We have a whole dossier on you and we know all about you.” If they’re trying to convince Jack to be cooperative, they’re going about it the wrong way. However, Juliette might be able to manage Jack if Ben would give her a free hand. Ben, however, is power-mad, and he’s probably cancerous in more ways than one.

4. Sawyer and Kate. Neither Sawyer nor Kate is too bright, if you ask me. Why did it take Sawyer so long to figure out they were watching him, and why has Kate STILL not figured that out? She saw Ben spring Sawyer’s water trap, if she didn’t hear him say that they turned off the elecrtricity, so how come she doesn’t know yet that Big Brother is watching? Hasn’t she read that book? Probably not. Of the two, Sawyer’s the more intellectual. Kate’s a Criminal Mastermind, but a hick, nevertheless. I say, as I’ve said all along, they deserve each other, and if they can ever quit conning each other, they’ll mate for life. Oh, and I understand why Sawyer couldn’t afford NOT to believe in the pacemaker, but why couldn’t he risk telling Kate to run and come for him and Jack later? And why admit up front that he’s out for himself? Wouldn’t a good con man say something like, “Honey, we’ll get out of here, and we’ll figure out a plan to come back for Jack?” Whether he planned to do so or not.

I can’t keep all the other Others straight, so I can’t really write about them. And I suppose Locke’s somewhere preparing to be the Great Deliverer. Maybe he needed another session in the sweat lodge first. (Yuck!)

Computer Guru Son, who knows all sorts of secret information about everything, tells me that some major character is slated to die in the next two episodes. He guesses Mr. Eko. I hope not because I like Mr. Eko, but I can picture him saying (in that wonderful Nigerian accent), “My mission here is ended. Now you, John, must take up my staff (Jesus Stick) and lead this people to the Promised Land.” Or revenge or something.


Are there really two islands? Or is Ben/Henry lying again? He lies a lot.
If there are two islands, it makes sense that Rousseau never mentioned running across Other Village. But why hasn’t anyone at least seen the Other island from the original one?
Where is Rousseau? Where is to the statue with four toes? Where are Sayid and Sun and Jin? Where are Rose and Bernard? Why do we have to introduce new characters when we can’t keep up with the ones we have already?
Why does Ben/Henry think he’s God? And when is someone going to do something to convince him he’s not? I’m reading Moby Dick right now, and Ben reminds me of Ahab, spinning his webs of fantastical revenge and power. Pride goeth before . . .

OH, I forgot to mention, this week’s featured book on LOST was Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Someday I was going to a post on literary references in LOST, but I imagine Lostpedia has already beat me to it.

6 thoughts on “LOST Rehash: Every Man for Himself, or Seeing Double

  1. I don’t think anyone has a spinal tumour, really. I think they’re playing games with Jack.
    I also think that Golf Club Guy was hitting rocks into the ocean. They’ve got plenty of rocks.

  2. Rocks, or some kind of small fruit. The last thing he hit seemed to break apart as it left the club.

    There is something suspicious about the Others just happening to leave the X-ray with the tumor on it when Jack was gonaa come in.

  3. I’ve heard the same rumor, and all signs point to Eko unfortunately. He’s even scheduled to do Regis the next day, which can’t be just a coincidence. I’m really hoping that the producers are just making everyone think that by planting a false rumor and will really just kill someone in a flashback or something.

  4. I’m pretty sure we’ve seen Golf Club Guy before. I totally agree with you on Desmond. I think Mr. Eko is gonna die and that makes me sad. I was really shocked to find out that Sawyer has a daughter. Why do the Others have a fertility doctor?? I think the island must have been some sort of Utopia project.

  5. I think I am the only person in the world who is not a LOST fanatic. I have watched in only a couple times. But, then I rarely watch any network TV. I did watch the Cardinal’s win the series – YoooHooo!

  6. OK, he’s hitting rocks into the ocean. It’s still a foolish way to pass the time. You know these Lost people seem to have it fairly easy. Camping out in civilization is harder than they make it look living on an island. Those foods and supplies from the hatch can only last so long.

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