“even if you discover all of the secrets of the universe during your research, the floor still needs sweeping.” —Keri Smith at wish jar
“When God wanted to tell us about Himself, He didn’t dictate a book of Systematic Theology (as I would have advised Him if He’d asked me). He gave us a book full of stories, stories about people’s real lives and how He’s dealt with them.” —Lars Walker at Brandywine Books
The Anchoress on the destruction of embryos for the purpose of embryonic stem cell research:
What is it about the Embryo that makes some people so determined to destroy it, to become heated and hateful if you suggest to them that they should not destroy it, that it is a being of identifiably human species and therefore worthy of respect?
I suspect that the embryo is all about promise, about tomorrow, about life and fulfillment – and there is a whole culture out there that does not want to think an embryo is anything more than “a clump of cells.†A tumor is a clump of cells. It might grow out of control, but it will never live, breathe, sing, laugh, pray, cry, create or mourn. An embryo is something more. At its core – beyond the science – an embryo is Mystery. And Mystery is too much like God for some people…or Mystery makes them contemplate, and contemplation leads to thinking about things like God, and prayer and worship.