LOST Rehash: The Glass Ballerina

If you have not watched this second episode, third season, of LOST and you don’t want to know what happens, don’t read.

1. I don’t like Sun so much anymore. She managed to get her lover killed, get mad at Jin for obeying her daddy (for her sake), lie to Jin, and shoot somebody. Will the Others really “become” the enemy now? I think, that despite protestations to the contrary, they’ve been doing a pretty good enemy imitation all along.

2. Sayid is a little over-confident in this episode. He’s going to take two of them as hostages and kill the rest —single-handed? I like Sayid; I think Sayid’s the best offensive player the Lost team has, but he needs a reality check. Maybe he got one tonight.

3. What was the name of the girl who got shot? Colleen? Carrie? Is she dead?

4. Did you hear Hurley talking to Desmond at the end? “Uh, the hatch blew your clothes off!” 🙂

5. Why do Sawyer and Kate get a sentence of hard labor while Jack gets to lie around in his cell and have soup and sandwiches brought to him on a platter? Are they trying mind games with Jack because they think he has a mind? And Sawyer and Kate are fit only for breaking rocks and making plans that are monitored over the intercom? Shouldn’t they have some clue that their discussion might not be so private?

6. Did Ben introduce himself as Benjamin Lyons? As in, he’s a LIAR? I believe they have contact with the outside, but I don’t believe they can get off the island or out of its magnetic field or whatever it was that brought the raft back to the island. She-Who-Was-Shot-By-the-Glass-Ballerina wasn’t worried about the Losties escaping in their sailboat; she was only worried that they might find Other City.

7. Sun’s daddy is a bad guy. A really bad guy. Is Sun stupid or willfully blind? I guess she’s willfully ignoring and avoiding the subject.

8. Maybe all the Losties are somehow Enemies of Dharma, and so Dharma sent them to crash on the island/prison where they can’t get out and do any more damage to Dharma. And Sun’s dad, along with Desmond’s girlfriend’s dad, is a Dharma Director. It’s all some kind of criminal syndicate.

9. However, there are other things going on, too. The Dharma people only know that the Island is a convenient place to send unwanted people. But it’s also a healing place and a place where odd things happen to people. And the Others are just as confused about the real purpose of the island as anyone else.

10. Who pushed Sun’s special friend out the window? Or did he jump?

11. Is Sun really pregnant? Or is it a false pregnancy? Or another lie?

Anyone else see anything interesting or illuminating tonight?

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