Easter Sunday
Carty, Leo
God expects from men something more than at such times, and that it were much to be wished for the credit of their religion as well as the satisfaction of their conscience that their Easter devotions would in some measure come up to their Easter dress.
Author: Bishop Robert South
Source: Sermons (vol. II, ser. 8)
Do you buy new clothes for Easter? Why? Where do you wear your new clothes if you don’t go to church? Did you get a new suit or dress on Easter when you were a child?
My girls have been asking for new dresses, but we haven’t managed to go shopping yet. Money’s a little tight, too. Maybe today or Saturday, we’ll go to the resale shop and find something for my five girls who are home–maybe even a new shirt for each of the two boys.
Yup. I usually try to get a new dress. A)tradition b) cause I usually don’t have a dress and c)most of my church clothes are black… I like black!
This year was particularly stressful as I am performing in the Easter cantata and had to get something pastel.
Now I just need to find comfortable shoes….