I looked up Lady Anne Fanshawe since she was in my birthday book for today and found that she was married to a royalist diplomat, lived during the Restoration (Charles II), and had fourteen children. She wrote a memoir which was published a century or two after her death. I tried to read some of the memoir online, however, I’m fairly sure that books are going to be around for a long time. Reading a blog or a column online is one thing, but trying to read a book online is miserable. I’m not sure why. I didn’t even make it through the introduction. Give me a paperback (or a hardback) that I can take with me where ever I go. I think I’ll go to bed and read P.G. Wodehouse. I’ll wait for Lady Fanshawe’s memoir to come out in paperback.
I’m reading this memoir for a class. It is available in paperback and its quite good so far. Quite dense, but interesting.