
Resurrection Center of the Blogosphere

We continue to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord even after the feast day has passed.

Today at the Mission: “On Good Friday I sat and talked with a man whose heart is stretched to breaking, and we talked about how God came for us when we least deserved it, and how he just keeps coming for us, and he never leaves us and he never forgets where we are, and he never has something more important to do or someone he likes better.”

Catez on Mary Magdalene and passion: “Today people still don’t get what her devotion to Jesus was about – so they try to bring it down to a merely physical and human level, and speculate to sell books and make a profit. Calling common what God has cleansed.”

At a Hen’s Pace posts a wonderful sermon by St. John Chrysotstom.

Real Learning on homeschool burnout: “If your heart is heavy and you are wondering why you ever thought it a good idea to stay home with a gaggle of small children and medium sized children and teenaged children all day every day, it’s time to take stock and lighten up! Let’s take this love-filled Easter season, the time the Church has set aside to celebrate new life, and let’s learn a new song. Let’s look at ways to bring the joy back to the home education lifestyle.”

Finally, I grabbed this link at the new-to-me blog, Granny’s House, one of the blogs nominated for Best Homeschool Mom Blog in the Homeschool Blog Awards: 10 Things To Do With Leftover Easter Eggs.